[hr][hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James(!)[/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Parking Lot between [b]10[/b] and Gilbert Street -> Coming Full Circle [/center][hr][hr] [color=firebrick][i]"Shit."[/i][/color] thought James, now under a serious amount of urgency. [color=firebrick][i]"Double-Shit Monday, that's what this is."[/i][/color] He didn't actually believe this, but it was apparent that he was running later than he would have liked. The group was starting to filter in ever so slowly, meaning he had precious little time with which to get ready, if he wanted to catch the ceremony. He didn't want to be That Guy, the guy who only shows up for the party but not for the reason they were throwing it. Maybe people would understand, I mean, he had been out there for a good long while, prepping meats and getting his redneck mise-en-place together for the rest of the dishes that domestic was making to his specifications. James had become quite good at cooking in the new, undead world. Just seemed to fall to him over his time in Newnan. When your goals revolve around providing the raw materials necessary to sustain human life for a revolving group of post-apocalyptic survivors, one eventually picks up tricks for making it palatable. Even spectacularly yummy, given the proper time and improvised supplies. He had already signaled for Domestic to move the meat back to Mess for hot holding; from there it should be set up and waiting for the Reception in the Rec Center ASAP. Good thing, too. His contributions to the wedding aside, James had made it a point to secure a decently plump hog for the occasion. Sausage, grits, and sweet potato drop biscuits aside, he had started as early as he did for the purposes of keeping the hog under wraps. It was his wedding gift to the happy couple, such as these things could be. Food brings people together, food closes rifts, food heals wounds. And a [color=firebrick][i]Bigassed Chunka Hogflesh[/i][/color] in their honor that they weren't expecting? Might be just the thing. But that wasn't his main concern right now. His concern was hauling ass just as quickly as his two stocky legs could carry him, a block north of his present location to his home. He had a desperate need to wash the smell of smoke from himself and change into his suit, and in one quick hurry. The guests in their finery might have seen James in one of his less favorite activities; if they did not, they certainly heard him. He rounded the corner of Gilbert and LaGrange at a speed generally unseen from the colorful Meatsmith, accompanied by the siren call of his deep, rumbling voice calling out before him: [color=firebrick]"Y'all betta MOVE!"[/color] and [color=firebrick]"Big Black Train a'comin'!"[/color] and even [color=firebrick]"Nothin' but elbows an' assholes!"[/color] Such was his desire for a hasty egress from his present location, destination firmly set. He was back home in about a minute. James raced into his abode, flinging clothes off of himself as he tore toward the nearest bathroom. As he couldn't wait for the water to warm, the stalwart country boy grit his teeth and began to furiously scrub himself under the icy water to a furious series of utterances including, [color=firebrick]"DAMN! Hot damn! No, COLD muthafuckin' damn! AHHH... coldcoldcold... I think my outie turned to a innie!"[/color] The water was finally warming up by the time he got out. At least he wouldn't die of hypothermia right then. James toweled off as best he could and threw on his [url=https://tackyweddings.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/rtjacketvestbowtiepants1.jpg?w=450]Black & Camo formal wear[/url] (Thank God the bowtie was pre-done). He stashed his pistol and knife on his person, as he believed no one should be without the means to make someone's life end, these days. James made quick use of a tool loop and thigh pocket (formal camo carpenter pants?) to hang his favorite hand axe. He looked quite the Gentleman Redneck. He looked moreso when he set his stetson atop his dignified head. [color=firebrick]"Ooh, you a smooth lookin' man, Mr. James, sir. Why thank you, Mr. James, you a good lookin' fella too."[/color] Mr. Grady paused from congratulating himself, grabbed his radio, and exited his house. Now smelling of lavender soap and attired in an unapologetic tuxedo, James returned as quickly as he was able, barring injury or too-wet hair, to the parking lot behind his smoker. [color=firebrick]"And I'm still early. God damn."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=steelblue]Ash[/color] & [color=0072bc]Thana[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/wTlbrSacInz1K/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building [b]A[/b] (Ash's House) -> Parking Lot between [b]10[/b] and Gilbert Street (Wedding area, between Smoker and Garden) [/center][hr][hr] [color=steelblue]"Yeah, Miss Sally's a beast, no doubt."[/color] intoned Ash quietly as he opened the door for Thana and waited for her to step inside. As the two of them entered, he completed his thought. [color=steelblue]"I've toured eleven separate engagements that have taken me from the jungle to desert, mountains to prairies. I've established villages for regular folk while under threat of local warlords, constructed bridges under heavy fire, and led armored charges directly into the mouth of mortars and RPGs."[/color] [color=steelblue]"...but I refuse to tangle with Miss Sally when she puts her "serious face" on. C'mon, let's get ready."[/color] Thana chuckled lightly as she stepped inside. [color=0072bc]"I want to be her when I grow up,"[/color] Thana commented lightly about the elder of Newnan. There was just something about Miss Sally, like Sophia from Golden Girls; only British. She could hear it now... [i]"Picture it, London, 1947."[/i] Shaking her head slightly she dropped her bag in the kitchen on a chair before glancing around. She could take the bathroom to get ready but looking over at Ash she figured the man needed a shower. [color=0072bc]"Where can I change?"[/color] Ash gave a tiny smirk and nodded. [color=steelblue]"Historic antebellum house. Four fireplaces, full kitchen downstairs, three rooms to serve as quartering. Screened back porch and a veranda, though I wouldn't suggest you change in either."[/color] He walked over to a polished wooden chest, knelt, and opened it with a quiet creak. A grey garment bag was removed, still with a dry cleaner's tag attached. Whatever was inside of it promised to be untouched by the passing of the Apocalypse. [color=steelblue]"Change wherever you like,"[/color] said Ash, walking to the nearest bathroom with the bag over his shoulder. [color=steelblue]"I'll just be ten minutes."[/color] Thana nodded and glanced around, opting to just go into the first bedroom she found and shutting the door behind her. Hanging up the garment bags that Miss Sally had given her she unzipped them and her eyes widened at what was within. [color=0072bc]"Wow."[/color] Blinking she shook her head a bit, this was definitely not how she expected her day to go. Unbuttoning her jacket she got to work on getting as her mother would have said, [i]"dolled up."[/i] It didn't take long thankfully since she had showered earlier. Just a quick change of clothing and a fast check in the mirror, she was ready. She was half surprised that everything fit but then she stopped, she was basically the same size as Zoie had been she suspected. They were growing up. Miss Sally must have figured the same. Stepping out of the bedroom she left her things neatly on the dresser and walked into the living room, running her fingers over the red fabric of the [url=http://www.gotceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/photos/milla-jovovich/in-red-dress-on-photoshoot-in-malibu/Milla-Jovovich-in-Red-Dress-on-Photoshoot--10-300x420.jpg]dress[/url]. It was simple yet elegant and she was very thankful it was floor length in this weather. The shoes hadn't been to her liking so she opted for her black high shine pumps that went with her dress blues. Folding the black [url=http://d2fzf9bbqh0om5.cloudfront.net/images/261852/original/lapel_suit_cufflinks_pleated_rear_swallow_tail_wool_coat_coats_7.jpg?1435617951]coat[/url] over her arm she waited for Ash to be ready to go. Meanwhile, Ash had already climbed into the shower, lathering and rinsing at a pace that only a hurried military man could while still getting the job done. It reminded him of his days in basic training; somehow fitting thirty minutes of morning preparation into a scant five. Not that he wanted to make a habit out of it again, but the ability to do so had served him well since the world sent sideways. He was done and out promptly. The garment bag was hanging just where he left it, on the back of the bathroom door. The second his skin was dry and hair reasonably so, Ash unzipped it gently, letting it fall from the clothing within. He had found them shortly after moving into this house. Quite possibly it belonged to the former owners. Pleasant surprise found him when he saw that it fit fairly nicely despite the weight he had lost over the last few years. The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/dc/5d/f7dc5d3a32caa0149868a03c7abd03cb.jpg]suit and coat[/url] looked a little too expensive for Ash's taste, though he did like the coat. It was long, black, and unencumbering, with a wide, partially upturned collar. Cosmopolitan, black leather composite gloves were in a pocket, created to match the outfit. No dress shoes, sadly. The Captain had to make due with his backup pair of combat boots, polished to a high shine. He was just putting the gloves on awkwardly while carrying his utility belt out of the bathroom when he saw a very different looking version of the woman he left in the room a few minutes prior. [color=steelblue]"That's a, ah..."[/color] Not a loss for words, merely a mental search for the appropriate ones. [color=steelblue]"That's a very flattering color on you, ma'am."[/color] [i]Nailed it.[/i] Turning around and letting her fingers drop from the fireplace mantle Thana half smiled, half rolled her eyes. [color=0072bc]"Ya sure know how to compliment a lady,"[/color] she prodded as she stepped over to him. [color=0072bc]"You look very handsome,"[/color] Thana added with a straight face. [color=0072bc]"Except for one little detail, may I?"[/color] Pointing to his tie, the knot just a tad lopsided. [color=steelblue]"Thank you. You look very nice as well."[/color] answered Ash. His hands went up to his tie where Thana was pointing, fingers feeling out the difficulty. [color=steelblue]"Knot's too tight. Just take a moment."[/color] He set his full utility belt down onto the nearest chair and returned to the bathroom. Loosening the tie was simple. Getting it back to where it looked even took a little longer. [color=steelblue]"This must seem strange as hell."[/color] started Ash from inside the bathroom. The door was open; it facilitated easier conversation and besides, fixing a tie required a mirror, not privacy. [color=steelblue]"Suddenly caught up in a wedding party after, well, every day these last few years."[/color] Thana stepped around the corner and leaned against the doorway, as she crossed her arms over her chest, the coat hanging from her arm as she did. [color=0072bc]"Considering this day alone, everythin's strange as hell. Though some things never change,"[/color] she quipped as he fixed the tie she had offered to correct for him. [color=0072bc]"Like a man not acceptin' help. Let me guess, you don't ask fer directions either,"[/color] she chuckled slightly. [color=0072bc]"Though as far as the weddin' goes, figurin' it pretty strange for you as well. Or is this a regular thing here?"[/color] [color=steelblue]"First one I've seen since Before."[/color] Ash dropped his hands away from his neck. [color=steelblue]"And I didn't think you were offering help. Would you, please?"[/color] He wasn't sure whether he was trying not to be rude to his guest, or whether his lack of practice tying a double windsor was a hassle he didn't want right at that moment. It still made him a little uncomfortable, letting someone physically close to him. The fact that this someone was female, pretty, and [i]in that dress[/i] gave him the slightest twinge of guilt. Lucky for him, last year it would have been crippling. [color=steelblue]"If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate."[/color] This was Miss Sally's doing. Meddler. [color=0072bc]"For future reference Captain, when I say 'may I?' I'm askin' permission."[/color] Her voice was calm as she spoke, stepping over and setting her coat down on the counter before reaching up and taking a hold of the silken fabric. [color=0072bc]"So tell me about the lucky couple. Might be a tad off puttin' if I don't even know their names, well more than a complete stranger showin' up as yer plus one. Might not have been a big thing Before, showin' up with someone the bride nor groom knew."[/color] Her fingers moved quickly as she spoke, fixin' the tie quickly with agile fingers. [color=0072bc]"But now a days? We can't exactly claim we met on the internet now can we?"[/color] she said with a smirk as she finished up the tie, making sure it was straight and not too tight on his neck. Patting the tie gently she stepped back. [color=steelblue]"Fair enough. Groom is Jack Hudson. Former cop from Massachusetts. He's my Security Lead. Decent guy. Bride's name is Tatiana Korvo. A (no shit) Prima Ballerina from sunny Russia. Works as our Counselor."[/color] Ash gave the tie a light feel. Ok, the woman knew her way around neckwear. [color=steelblue]"Thank you."[/color] He retrieved the utility belt from the chair in the living room. It definitely clashed with the suit for formality, although there was a steampunky, Firefly vibe to the combination. Ash shook his head, opting instead to remove the .45 and his favorite knife, the large one with the knuckle dusters. He tucked the gun in its holster on the back of his belt and sheathed the knife at his side. Pulling his coat on, he allowed it to hang around him. It concealed nicely. It was just for appearances, of course. A little bit of normalcy for a special occasion. There was just the slightest bulge visible when he slipped his walkie into a coat pocket. [color=steelblue]"Besides, best I can figure, the closest thing we have to the Internet these days is Schrodinger. You might have met him; fuzzy orange bastard, disappears for days at a time and then shows up to steal your food. Hey, you about ready?"[/color] Picking up her coat she nodded, having taken in the information. Slipping the jacket on, she felt for the side arm she had stashed in it's pocket. She didn't know these people yet and had been allowed to keep it, she intended on carrying it. The knife was...[i]elsewhere.[/i] [color=0072bc]"I would hope so. Let's be on our way,"[/color] she said as she paused for a moment, glancing around in thought. Shrugging to herself she headed towards the door. Opening it she stepped out into the chilly air, glad for the coat. [color=0072bc]"Alright Captain, lead the way."[/color] Ash exited his house and secured the door behind him. After they had descended the front steps and made their way onto the sidewalk, he offered Thana his arm with a polite, [color=steelblue]"Ma'am?"[/color] There would be people arriving on scene shortly, and he needed to take position nearby to go over the last minute details. [color=steelblue]"Down to the corner and right for about a block. Shall we?"[/color] Gathering the length of her dress in one hand to keep it from dragging the ground, she slipped her free arm through the one he offered and took a deep breath. Hopefully she wouldn't be gawked at as much as she had been when she first arrived. [color=0072bc]"Let's,"[/color] she said as she let him lead the way to the wedding site. Her brows rose as she saw the amount of detail and work that had gone into this ceremony. It was rather impressive to say the least. Looking at the chairs her lips pursed slightly as she leaned in somewhat to speak quietly. [color=0072bc]"Where do we sit?"[/color] [color=steelblue]"I'm actually performing the ceremony."[/color] responded Ash quietly. [color=steelblue]"No pastor, I'm the commanding officer. Just grab a seat near the front, I'll introduce you formally at the reception. And don't worry. We brought a gift."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Well don't you just think of everythin'?"[/color] she said with a slight smirk on her lips. Glancing around she noticed the people she had been introduced to when she arrived and many more faces she didn't know. Standing at the altar was who she assumed was Jack, looking like he was about to burst. She couldn't help but smile, it was nice to see someone actually that happy during these times. At the same time it was a bit unnerving. Nodding she took a seat near the front on the other side of Miss Sally and waited for the festivities to begin. The Captain moved to the front and gave Jack a handshake. He took his position at the front of the growing gathering, making sure he had a good lay of the land and direct line of sight on Thana, just in case anyone got ungentlemanly ideas. He retrieved his walkie and gave the planned affirmation: [color=steelblue]"Wedding party is a go. Everybody to places immediately, radio only for emergencies until further notice. I repeat; wedding is a go, everyone to places, emergency radio only."[/color]