Here's my character sheet at last. [hider=Freyja Leden] Name: Freyja Leden Age: 25 years old Gender: Female Personality: Calm and collected would be the best way to describe her. Her usual expression is her normal face, as she doesn't smile while teaching to her students. She will smile though when she congratulates her students on a job well done. Or frowns and turns stern-looking when they fail. She is always happy to help a struggling student but she doesn't tolerate a slacker who's simply too lazy to study properly. Backstory: She was born in a remote mining village in the mountains, with her father working as a miner. Since she were little, she had taken interest in all things mining related, particularly on the bombs they made to blow up the wall of rocks inside the mines. The job to make the bombs fell to the females of the village, so she was welcomed to learn as much as she wanted on how to make them. However, tragedy stroke one day, when a cluster of mining tunnel collapsed, trapping the workers inside including her father. Quickly, the females of the town used all the materials available to make bombs in order to dig through the rubble quicker, but even with all the bombs they had made, it was still not enough. And the next batch of gunpowder shipment wouldn't come until the next month. Sure, they had sent a help request to the nearest town but who knew when the help would come, if at all? So all the women in the town ended up digging through the rubble day and night in an effort to rescue their men before it was too late. 11-year old Freyja was naturally consumed with worry. If her father were to die, she wouldn't know what to do. Her mother would certainly be stricken with grief as well. Thus, she thought hard and long for a way to make more bombs without any gunpowder. And at that lowest point in her life, her power manifested. When she woke up after falling asleep due to tiredness, she was grabbing a bomb inside her right hand. At first, she didn't know why it was there, but she remembered that she dreamt about the bomb, how it was made and how its composition and structure should be. So she did the same once more and to her surprise, another bomb manifested in her left hand. Thus, with this power, she managed to save the miners at last. The villagers didn't even ask any questions at first as they were that desperate for some miracle to happen. And so she became known as "The Bomb Girl", one who could make bombs out of thin air. Instead of being suspicious against her, the villagers welcomed her ability instead, thanks to their closely knit community. However, one day, another channeler arrived, thanks to the rumors about this "bomb girl" spreading to the nearest town. He was the headmaster of the Institute, and he saw the talent hidden beneath Freyja, who was 14-years old at that time. Without anyone to teach her, she had managed to expand her ability to create miniature bombs as small as a pebble. She could also set them to explode whenever she wished, unlike ordinary bombs. So the headmaster approached her parents and told them about their daughter's ability, and how he wished for her to be taught at his school. Of course, her parents were reluctant at the prospect of letting her daughter go with some stranger, but Freyja herself insisted to go, as she wished to learn more about her ability herself. She told her parents the truth she had been hiding that she felt stifled staying in the village for all this time and she felt her life could be better than just being a bombmaker for the village. After some more persuasion, they finally let her go. So she was trained in the institute as a student. And she graduated with flying colors. The headmaster asked her if she had any idea what she wanted to do after this. If not, she could stay here and become a teacher as they were quite short on mentors with the typing of architect. She agreed, in exchange for the institute's resources as she still wished to develop her skills even more. And besides, she enjoyed teaching others as back when she was a student, other students came to her for advice as she scored the highest in most of the exams. Appearance: [img][/img] Equipment: She had many chemistry-related equipment in her room, and she would use it daily for her study and experiments. Abilities: She is very well-versed in chemistry knowledge, as it was certainly needed for her to make better bombs. Channeller category: Architect Description of power: Bomb creation Names/descriptions of moves: 1. "Tiny Tim" = Her basic combat bombs. Creates five miniature bombs in one hand and throws it towards the enemy. 2. "Spider on The Wall" = Creates a pair of bombs with legs in both of her hands. The bombs can walk autonomously on their own towards the enemy or she could control them with her mind as well. They could also stick to the walls and ceilings, so they could prove effective as an ambush 3. "Sticky Hands" = Creates a bunch of nigh-invisible, microscopic bombs on her hands. If she grabs an enemy with them, they would stick to their clothes/skins. Then she can detonate them remotely. 4. "Breath of Death" = Only works when combat happens inside a closed space. Creates microscopic bombs inside her lungs that she breathes out, making them spread around on the battlefield unseen by the enemy. She cannot control their movements, but she can bait the enemy to stand in a spot where a decent amount of them gathered and let them breath them in. Then, she detonated them once they were inside their own lungs. 5. "Land Mines" = Creates miniature bombs under her shoes that would stick to the floor as she walked. They are tiny pebble-sized, not microscopic but still could be really hard to notice. Character theme song: Other: She is now learning medicine making in hopes of expanding her architect ability to create them too. STAFF CHARACTERS ONLY Institute role: Architect mentor Why they were chosen for the Institute: She had been proven capable both intellectually and mentally to be a mentor. She had a calm and responsible demeanor that befit her position. She had deep knowledge on the art of architect, thanks to her constant strive to create better bombs.[/hider]