Here's the beginnings of my character sheet. I'll finish him up soon. [hider=Shinichi Saito] Name: Shinichi Saito Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Shinichi is generally quiet and subservient. In one word, a doormat. He's not shy, just not vocal. He'll do what others tell him to, if it's not detrimental to himself or to someone innocent. However, if he's insulted, he will try to defend himself (usually unsuccessfully, before he got his powers). Shinichi loves art. He'll sketch during classes, which has made him a bad student in the past. He generally draws in a realistic style, with little to no fantastic elements. When it comes to his powers, Shinichi is hesitant to use them actively. He'll use them to defend himself, but if the situation doesn't call for them he won't channel. He's not very good at naming his moves. Backstory: Shinichi grew up in a poor household in the Greater Tokyo Area. His parents were in debt to his sleazy uncle, and he made life hard for the family. This was where Shinichi learned to keep his head down and do what he was told. Most of the time, he retreated into his drawings. Eventually, his parents were able to pay off the debt, but Shinichi kept the lessons he learned. About a month ago, Shinichi was mugged at knifepoint while with a friend. While the mugger was focused on Shinichi's friend, Shinichi tried to surreptitiously call the police. However, the mugger noticed, and stabbed Shinichi. Then, when Shinichi got back up, stabbed him again. And again. And again. This was when Shinichi first Channeled. The mugger was understandably spooked when the kid he stabbed got better right away, and ran off. Shinichi swore his friend to secrecy and tried to forget what happened. Obviously, that did not work out. The Institute took notice and offered Shinichi a place at the school. Shinichi figured that if his friend, a mugger, and The Institute all knew about his ability, he had no chance at living a quiet life. He accepted. Appearance: [img][/img] A short, slight Japanese teen. He wears baggy or otherwise ill-fitting clothing. Equipment: School clothes, cellphone, various books and writing utensils Abilities: Good at sketching and painting, below average in pretty much everything else. He generally draws He's not a very good student. Channeller category: Augmenter Description of power: At first, he has basic regeneration. Wounds slowly heal themselves, quickly if he concentrates his energy on one spot. Eventually, when he concentrates he will regenerate as he is injured, and use that to push his attacks to the maximum. He also has minor super strength. Names/descriptions of moves: Wholeness of Body: Shinichi focuses his energy on his injuries, quickly healing them. Once it's developed, it will be able to heal even mortal wounds if they are not instantly fatal, and re-attach severed limbs. Furious Blow: Shinichi focuses his energy to his fists, striking with super strength. It's weaker than somebody with pure super strength, but definitely stronger than a normal person, to the point of breaking stone. Starfish Gambit: Shinichi capitalizes on his regeneration, letting out a series of punches and kicks that go beyond his usual strength, but shred his muscle and shatter his bones. Character theme song: [url=]Bright Idea[/url] Other: Nothing. [/hider]