[color=royalblue]"No one man could have done this surely?"[/color] Gaderon vaguely heard the woman speak up as the older man lowered the tip of his trident but not his shield. The man was slightly less weary of him now, but not instantly trusting. That was smart of him. Gaderon returned the favor and lowered the tip of his blade, but kept it held tensely at hid side, ready to pull it back up should thing go south from here. [b]"It's bloodied from mercy. If you don't want to believe me, check the alleys behind us. You'll find a dog with it's intestines spilled out in front of it. You've spent a lot of time in Bania... I have too. What did you do there...?"[/b] Gaderon was intrigued by the man’s answer of mercy killing a poor hound. He glanced at the bodies nearest him for a moment. Their wounds weren’t from any sort of piercing weapon. They were definitely caused by slashing weapons that tore and ripped their skin open in long gashes rather than precise puncture wounds. Seeing that, Gaderon nodded his head slightly in recognition. [color=A8B0A7]”I have. My whole life before now actually. I hunted those creatures that preyed upon men and found refuge in the dar of night.”[/color] He knew from the moment the words left his lips, he would more than likely be met with skepticism. Many people believed his homeland was home to only monsters and criminals, of which he was neither. Based on the woman’s accent, he was willing to bet she would look upon him with some degree of prejudice and think of him as a necessary evil more than anything else.