[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IdCzS8K.png[/img] [h3][color=00a651]Firing Range Talking to cats[/color][/h3][/center] Gren watched with pride as the two girls proceeded to demolish the targets he set out for them. He was glad that his crafts has served them well, and part of him wished to take the both of them out to hunt some real Grimm. However doing so would take up some time and likely cause them to miss out on most of Parent’s Day, which wouldn’t be good for them. Gren knew his mother would certainly be cross if she missed out on her son at school. After Emerald took out her share of targets Gren was about to set up another round when her mother arrived. The cat faunas tossed her weapons towards Gren, who fortunately caught them and safely put them down. Emerald’s mom was hot. No doubt about that. She still had that cat’s cuteness, but aged up to milf levels. Made Gren kind shy yet at the same time also made him approach Emerald and her mother, bashfully introducing himself. [color=00a651]”Ah, hello. Name’s Gren Orchid. Sorry for getting your daughter distracted with explosions, I couldn’t help but see her in action. Didn’t mean to make her injuries any worse.”[/color] Gren wasn’t sure why he was apologizing considering that he wasn’t even aware she had been hurt this entire time, but better to save face in front of Emerald’s mother. He also took note that Diamond was here, and if he wasn’t mistaken, she was Emerald’s partner. To her Gren was much more casual. [color=00a651]”Hey Diamond. What’s shaking?”[/color] [@Forsythe][@Abillioncats][@Pyrodash888]