I like your new avi! Ladybug and Cat Noir. I have a button pin with them on it. xD I look forward to seeing what you come up with for a distraction, then, if you're good with taking that up! Sweet about finishing the book! HA, about the roses! Is it bad that I like that for a villain? :lol I took notes while reading it for ideas. I’d have to agree with you on the favorite chapter. The Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse were fun, and their interactions were some of the most enjoyable to read for me. That, and at the end of chapter six where the Cheshire cat comes in. I also like that he shows up while Alice is playing croquet with the queen and stirs up a bit of trouble. I also agree about the Mock Turtle. Those were a couple, “WHY EVEN…?!” chapters. I haven’t gotten any further in [i]Through the Looking Glass[/i] yet. My gosh, I haven’t thought about VHS tapes in ages. Crazy how long it’s been since you watched that! Have you seen Burton’s adaptation of the story? (I’ve stolen the name “Absolem” from him. Because I was feeling lazy. But I’m not giving it to my version of the Caterpillar.) Quick writing tip? Think of character thoughts as the same as dialogue. The normal rules for dialogue apply to thoughts. Though an inner dialogue, it would still be written in present tense, as if the character had said it aloud. Lastly: Mmm. Coffee cake. Which makes me want tiramisu. Thanks a lot.