[center][h2] - The Silent King - [/h2][/center] [center][@Wraithblade6][@kishin asura][@Masterkeun][@supertinyking][@Tyki][/center] "You refer to the Empire of Man, correct?" The Silent King displayed no shock, no surprise, not even the slightest twitch. His face was merely a mask of metal and wires, incapable of displaying such weakness. "While I am aware of a certain sentimentality that connects many of your species to the leading figure of this dynasty, the Empire was a failed institution. After analysis it became clear that your species had failed on every observable front, and seemed to be making no attempt to correct those mistakes. Had I not interjected, my calculations predict that they would have been irrevocably destroyed after less than 500 cycles had passed." It's words remained cold and monotone, displaying not the slightest flicker of emotion. And as it spoke it gestured, causing a small orb to drift forward seemingly of it's own volition. The orb would then begin displaying images, graphs and detailed paragraphs as holograms around Mithias, reading his eye movement in order to automatically 'scroll' through this information. The data itself was a side-by-side comparison of the Necrontyr Empire and the Imperium of Man, focused on elements such as technological advancement, agricultural development, and judicial systems. "While the original intentions of your Emperor would have generated a far more effective system, he failed to apply his ideas. A number of failures, first and foremost his failure to quell the rebellion of his kin, caused his ideas to fail. But considering his many failures, even if the rebellion had never occurred the resultant system would have been highly inefficient. I believe this is referred to as 'human error' among your species. An immutable barrier that my own people have long passed." After finishing this little monologue the Silent King briefly nodded to the others in the room. "My most sincere apologies. I have carried this narrative for too far. However," he continued, this time addressing the assembled strangers "detailed information on my Empire and it's goals are available on demand. You will most likely wish to peruse the most important elements of the judicial system, governmental system, and the wartime regulations. I have pre-selected these elements for easy access, but you are free to browse on your own." Orbs similar to the one which Mithias had already been given gently floated over to each of the assembled guests. They briefly displayed instructions for browsing the information contained within, and then allowed full access to a variety of information. Notably, there were occasional sidebars for 'mortal concerns', addressing things such as Oxygen, Disease, and Food. "Before we continue this meeting, I wish to interject the wartime trial of Mithias Varomere for the attempt to glean state secrets from myself, as well as several other Council members. A crime punished in most governmental systems I am aware of by death or lifelong incarceration." Once more the Silent King did not emote, declaring this trial as if he were merely reciting the weather. Certainly this was not the face of mercy. "Considering the interdimensional nature of this crime performed on Neutral grounds, I suggest that he be persecuted for the action by each affected member individually. Should several guilty verdicts be pronounced, the accused will suffer the punishments in order of lethality as agreed upon by general consensus of the Council. Should he be killed by an earlier punishment, further punishments will become irrelevant." Briefly the Silent King paused to glance at the other members of the council. "Each member who wishes to press charges must speak up now. If there are those who disagree with the proposed method of trial, then a proper method of trial will have to be discovered through a Council meeting and vote. In such a situation, I propose that Mithias Varomere be incarcerated in a holding area on neutral ground until such a time as a fair trial is possible." He glanced at the guests, once more. "While it is unusual for guests to be allowed to attend a Council event such as this upcoming trial, I vote that the assembled figures be allowed to witness upcoming events. Should they be involved in the coming conflict then they must be aware of how these things are handled. Alternatively, if they wish for a secluded location, then the adjoining rooms are available. I have already ensured that refreshments are provided, and requests can be handled by the local staff for the duration of the trial." Internally, the Necron Overlord complimented himself for having thought of everything. This situation would be swiftly handled, and those in the area would be swayed to his side by the logic of his approach.