I have two sheets planned, but I think I'm only going to manage the one tonight. The other should come tomorrow. [@tipssyCalibrator] I hope the power doesn't seem to similar to your mentors. [hider=The Big Guy] Name: Alexei Pavlov Age: 44 Gender: Male Personality: Alexei is a big man with an equally big personality. He is loud and prone to speaking in an exaggerated fashion, as if determined to make full use of his vocal range. He has a big heart and is a strong believer in a strong community. He believes the institute is not just a place of learning but a community in of itself, and he always goes out of his way to reinforce that idea with his students. In spite of his hard muscles, Alexei can be a bit of a soft teacher, and is reluctant to use overt discipline on anyone, preferring to believe in the power of positive reinforcement. Backstory: Born in a tiny hamlet nestled in the Siberian Taiga, Alexei was always guaranteed to live a life of hard physical labour in his early years. Fortunately for him, he was always a big strong lad, and he took to manual tasks quite well. Even if he was a huge man himself, his community was always small, and everyone had to work together closely to keep things going. Alexei developed and iron clad belief in the power of the community during his time at home. As he matured, Alexei settled into the position of carpenter in the village, being more than physically capable as well as having developed an affinity for working with a hammer. Besides, a big strong man needed an equally big strong house, and he learned the hard way what happened when he sat on chairs that couldn’t support his mass. It was after one long hard day of building work that Alexei discovered his powers. A freak bolt of lightning happened to strike a tree near the house he was building, causing it to fall onto the site and make the whole thing collapse. Alexei managed to hold up the collapsing mass, urging those working with him to escape the house. Those that escaped were at first expecting that Alexei would be trapped within the house, but much to the surprise of the whole village, Alexei managed to make his way out, keeping the place from collapsing on top of him the whole time. They all assumed it was a miracle at work, those in the know knew better. Not long after that event, people from the institute came to collect Alexei. Although he did not relish leaving his family and friends behind, his parents urged him to seize the opportunity, and thus he agreed to go. Alexei quickly took to learning more about his abilities. His talent as an augmenter and his astonishing raw strength was exemplary during his time. At the end of his training, he was theoretically free to go back home, but although he would certainly visit the place often, he made up his mind that the institute was too big of an opportunity to make a difference to turn away from. He wanted to become a mentor there to train others as he had been, and to foster a greater community spirit among this channeller community he found himself a part of. With his talents and affinity for working with others, he was quickly made a mentor and became a fixture at the institute ever since. Appearance: [img]http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/ippei-tatesako-107591.jpg?t=1464385963[/img] Alexei stands at the vast height of 7 feet tall. Equipment: -Alexei’s primary weapon is his [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/f633/f/2008/211/0/d/great_hammer_by_bearded_jarl.jpg]greathammer[/url]. As a large and unwieldy weapon, it serves as a testament to his strength that he can whip it around like a toy. -For a ranged alternative, Alexei carries around a number of [url= http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/DS-3302.png]smaller hammers[/url] to use as throwing weapons. Abilities: Alexei is strong and powerful even without his magic, capable of preforming feats at least on a par with a world class body builder. He’s also a very skilled carpenter; if you need a house built, you better believe he’ll make you a good one. Channeller category: Augmenter Description of power: Alexei’s one and only ability is one that allows him to strengthen his muscles in a way that gives him strength well beyond that which he already possesses. It not only allows him to overcome the sheer weight of his weapon and increase the force behind his strikes, but also allows him to move at a decent speed while fighting. His increased muscle power does not make his muscles any more resistant to damage, however, and they can still be damaged as easily as they usually might. Names/descriptions of moves: -Herculean Swing: An augmented attack with Alexei’s hammer, with enough force behind it to crush through solid walls. -Earthshaker: An attack that sees Alexei slam his hammer into the ground with great force, fragmenting the immediate area and more than likely to cause those nearby to lose their footing. -Olympic Toss: Alexei tosses one of his throwing hammers, propelling it across large distances with his might. Character theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRX79ZcNUoM&index=93&list=PLZphL4gPXFCCypTZeDQ4FK3LZMolWnwFv Institute role: Augmenter Mentor Why they were chosen for the Institute: Alexei is effectively an augmenter specialist, as well as accustomed to working with others and trying to impart team spirit wherever he goes. [/hider]