So the previous group was walking through the wooded area towards the city, carrying a bunch of diseased cat-dragon things called felidrakes (they didn't know for sure they were diseased tho). The tree demons did not take kindly to them. There was some scratching and stabbing, culminating in a demon stabbing meryn's felidrake. The disease transferred to the demon (and I guess to all the others, too) and the group escaped with their injured guide, spook. So in the clearing between the woods and the city walls, they were licking their wounds, seeing the demons building at the edge of the forest, when a robot showed up to gauge if the group was dangerous or not. Spook told the group to go into the city and leave him behind, giving them each a token. Meryn got his mask. So the group headed into the city wall to get interrogated, while at the same time there was growing unrest both in the woods and in the city proper. Ronken, a druggy who lives in the city, got approached by a mysterious figure (now known as switch) to deliver a letter to "the traveler in the mask" and hey look more money for drugs, so he accepted. The diseased tree demons emptied out of the forest and started charging at the city. Cue chaos and death as they started attacking everything they could get their hands on. Ronken managed to grab meryn in the madness and drag her away to give her the letter. Then there was a game of angry hot potato with the letter, a fairy appeared because why not, demons interrupted, and the two of them escaped to a roof. On the roof was some people singing the song of angry men and viva la revolution now is totally the perfect time for a political coup. Meanwhile spook was drawing a massive death rune outside the city. The fairy realized this, grabbed ronken and meryn, and put a shield over them just as the rune went off. It vaporized every demon in the city. Their disease dust floated around for a while before getting sucked away by the rune, but it was in the air for long enough that it probably infected everyone in the city save for ronken and meryn. And even ronken might still be infected. Heck, MERYN has the disease now for all I know. So meryn and ronken had maybe two seconds to catch their breath before assassins appeared aiming at meryn presumably because she has spooks mask. Or maybe because she's from a different city. Who knows. My money's on the mask. But assassins appeared and meryn heard a magic voice telling her to go north, so she grabs ronken and makes a break for it. Ronken is fully prepared to parkour with a bum leg and drugs in his system, so he falls off the roof to go splat on the floor. Meryn fell down some stairs as more assassins appeared, and switch showed up to un-murder ronken. The end.