[center][@Zahir] [@Rune_Alchemist] [h1]The Beginning[/h1][/center] It was a normal day, the sky was cloudy as if it was about to rain. People would be walking around, going to and from work. Even some kids walking home from school. There would be a line of stores, both big and small. but nestled in the middle is a small wooden little store. Who's sign is mostly destroyed only reading 'Appeal' at the end. A place where those with a hidden potential can come across. Rarely do people without this potential find this store since it is surrounded in magic to divert most people's attention. For those who do find this store, it's inside would look like a thrift shop more than anything, tons of shelves lined the store filled with random assortment of junk, from wood carvings, to jewelry. There was so many kind of things it was hard to tell what was hand made and what wasn't. To the left of the entrance on the inside, there would be a small counter where a man would be seen leaning back in his chair with a hood covering his face as if he was asleep manning the store. The man's appearance would be odd, since it looked like something very foreign, or completely out of this world. Even when our new group of potential children enter the man would so no signs of moving or noticing their presence.