[@Wraithblade6][@kishin asura][@Masterkeun][@supertinyking][@thewizardguy] While B-00F or Frojund depending on preference of the person in question remained silent, Mithias's invasion of his privacy had not gone unnoticed, along with the invasion of everyone there. His hand raised leisurely so that he might draw attention to himself once the declaration of a trial was proposed. "I would motion that jailing sentences be left out of the list of punishments in this particular trial due to the nature of the multiple accusing parties in question. Multiple incarcerations in a row might cause issues with the shorter-lived among us that wish the guilty party in question punished. It would be difficult to punish someone should the accusing party have long since perished of old age." B-00F states matter-of-factly, his tone similarly melancholic or emotionless as the silent king's, suggesting either a heavy distance from his emotions or a lack there-of as well as his own, personal verdict on mithias's trespasses. "Furthermore, I'd also like to ask the 'Silent King' whether or not robotification would be required for those wishing to join, as my capabilities lie in the biological." The giant lizard-man adds cool-y, as he shifts in his chair to more comfortably view the information provided to him via the orbs, rather rapidly scrolling through multiple screens at once. Though his face was devoid of any knowable tell to the more human/robotic gathered there, those familiar with the more reptilian species such as Asha would be able to see the look of interest on the scaled giant's visage.