"You are close, to the meaning. Alas that is what I would mean in the old way... Wyrd does mean fate but, these runes have more meaning than mere sun, or water... The blank rune has a double meaning. It is both mundane, and Divine." Terran picks up the runes and places them in his lap. He would need a more... Vivid explanation, as this was rather confusing. "Pardon the shift." Snapping his fingers the room seems to bend and snap back in place but they are at a table that is not filled with items, just some chalk, candles, the runestones, and a pen that Terran grabs. "Now, this is something more your speed... What do you know about Odin and his quest for the runes?" He taps the pen and starts writing something in the air, eyes glowing softly as he does this. He draws all of the runes in a circle. Tir on top, Pertho on bottom, and Laguz and Sowilo at the horizons. In the middle, he just draws a circle. At the completion of this, power seems to radiate through the room softly. In Terran's mind he can hear a soft him and sees little threads that seem to connect the runes. "Do you know how he came to obtain them?"