[hider=Musashi Sakai, totally a ninja!] Name: Musashi Sakai Age: 10 Gender: Male Personality: Musashi has a very odd and excitable personality most of the time, as in addition to being an often hyperactive ball of energy he has the unusual quirk of insisting to everyone in the academy that he's really a ninja and was raised in a secret village of ninjas, even though that's far from accurate. Overall, he's an odd kid with an obsession with and love of ninjas, and cobbled together his outfit after being told he was going to the Institute to 'learn to unlock his true potential and become awesome'. Despite his often cheerful, carefree and sunshine-y attitude, during fights another side of him refined through his training comes out and he becomes much more focused with all of his usual energy and nonstop high-speed thought turning towards analyzing the situation at hand. He's very determined to become a strong fighter despite his small size, young age and numerous eccentricities, both to make his parents proud and because frankly, it sounds like a cool and fun goal to become the strongest fighter in the Institute and make friends doing it. Backstory: Despite all claims to the contrary, Musashi is not actually a ninja, but instead the son of a pair of instructors at a modern day martial arts school specializing in [i]koryu[/i], traditional Japanese martial arts. As a result, he'd already been training for years to one day inherit the family business and become a martial arts instructor himself one day by the time his powers as an Augmenter manifested. Aside from the incredibly strict training reigmen he was put through daily, his parents allowed him to lead a fairly normal life most of the time, or at least as normal as anyone's life can be when they spend most of their day training with sharp implements and joint locks. The exception to this was an annual training excursion, where once a year they would go out into the wilderness and 'exploit traditional training and survival methods. Musashi's power first manifested during one such trip, when he was briefly separated from his parents and accidentally ran into a bear. With his perception of the bear's movements massively enhanced, he was able to avoid the bear's attacks and defeat it without a scratch barehanded, to the relief and astonishment of his parents when they came upon the scene. Given such a shocking development it was only natural that his parents were thrilled if a little apprehensive when representatives of the Institute arrived claiming they could properly hone his talents. Musashi was even more thrilled and much less nervous, convinced that this meant he was going to be either a superhero or a real ninja, rather than just a martial artist. His insistence on the unusual outfit and enthusiastic enrollment at the academy were the dual results. Appearance: [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/06d0/i/2013/232/6/c/panda_ninja_by_whitepulse43-d6j043n.png] I'm totally a serious ninja [/url] Equipment: one shorter sword and one longer one, occasionally wielded together, are his primary weapons when it comes to armed combat, although he also has a jitte, plus a number of shuriken that are meant more as a distraction than anything else, though his powers allow him to throw with superhuman accuracy. Abilities: Despite his young age, Musashi is a surprisingly skilled martial artist in excellent physical condition for a child, with years of constant private training by two extremely skilled martial artists to draw on. He's skilled in both old-style jujitsu when it comes to unarmed combat and numerous classical styles of Japanese weaponry including the use of swords, spears, the jitte, the bow, and unusually and likely at his own insistence, shurikenjutsu. He also has incredible reflexes even without using his power and can keep up with his own enhanced sense of sight purely through training, although there are naturally still things that happen too quickly for him to relax. As a result of his training, he has a decent knowledge of human anatomy and biology, though focused through the lens of martial arts. At his mother's insistence, he's also learned to cook, though he's much less interested in cooking than fighting. Channeller category: Augmenter Description of power: [i][b]Ultimate Iris[/b][/i]-Musashi's only current power, he enhances his eyes in order to greatly speed up the amount of visual information he's capable of processing at one time, or from his perspective, is able to see things in slow motion and in great detail. Eventually this might expand into being able to see an opponent's pressure points, or seeing the structural weaknesses of objects in order to exploit them. It could also theoretically allow him to copy an opponent's physical movements to learn the physical components of their fighting styles, and have numerous indirect applications. Names/descriptions of moves: [b][u]Shuriken Surprise!:[/u][/b] Musashi uses his ability to precisely track the motion of his shuriken to deflect one with another, causing them to strike from unexpected angles. [b]Precision Paralyzer!:[/b] If he can learn to see pressure points and strike fast and precisely enough, Musashi might eventually be able to weaken or temporarily paralyze a person's limbs by striking their pressure points quickly enough. [b][u]Bushido Breaker!:[/u][/b] Musashi would have to study a target for an extended period of time after developing his power to a high level, but might be able to find the weak-points in any object in order to shatter through it or cut it in a single strike. Character theme song: I haven't found a themesong for him yet, but I'll definitely take suggestions! Other: [/hider]