[quote=Jorick]Time and further exposure of female geeks being a thing is really the only way to make it go away, and since that's already happening I'm not overly worried about the future of sexism in geek subcultures.[/quote] Haha~ You'd be more worried if it were effecting your lifeeee. :/ [quote=Jorick]Why exactly should girls be given special treatment to be made to feel comfortable and welcome rather than getting the same spew of negativity everyone else gets? [/quote] I said 'players' because it is both to rude-ass ladies and gents who deter more girls from being a part of these great games. I take responsibility when playing online games to be a good teammate and fun to play with. Games are there to have [i]fun[/i]. Sure, it's not set in stone that one must be kind to their fellow player, but neither is being nice to the member of an opposing football team or at a poker table. Typically when you act like an ass towards people in those events, you are removed. Since these games take place online this is pretty much impossible. I think LoL has been taking a turn for the better what with its tribunal and all. Maybe 'responsibility' is too strong a word, since chances are many trolls cannot muster enough balls or braincells to be kind and have fun. I believe girls do deserve a bit of special treatment(unless they're totes cray), since we already receive special treatment in the negative aspect. :/ But [i]sure[/i], since it's all about equality, despite males basically having the greenest grass, yes... we deserve nothing more than you... let me rephrase... "It is the responsibility of players to make other players feel comfortable and welcome." HAH, yeah what was I thinking? Imagine giving girls a break [i]and[/i] giving them something special. Iiimmmagginnee.