[hr][hr][center][img]https://s3.postimg.org/50tlljshf/horrors_of_cove.png[/img][hr][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/74aca0e369cc2f98031a205b33392e01/tumblr_nxk1io71se1teu2d7o1_500.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] Ah, my children, is it time for another hint? Very well. As overused as the phrase is, the truth can be stranger than fiction--or perhaps, it is simply just as strange. There is a secret hidden in that attic, closeted away, so to speak. Perhaps a bit of history about the hotel could serve you well. There is a reason that the sixth and seventh floors are not used, a reason that Andromeda's family lives on the fifth, and a reason that the attic is boarded up. Of course, can you discover those reasons before the reaper comes for you? Let's see, shall we? [color=9999ff]"What?!"[/color] Andromeda whispered, her eyes wide. [color=9999ff]"Fucking fantastic...A murder in the horror themed hotel."[/color] It would drive up business, but Andromeda hated the hospitality industry as a whole. And she could already tell that any investigation would be confusing. But nonetheless, she took out her cell phone and called the murder in, explaining to the dispatcher all she knew--that someone had been murdered in the Coventry Horrors Hotel. [color=9999ff]"Police are on their way. Did you apprehend the perp?"[/color] Andromeda asked. A funny feeling told her that this had to do with her father's death--if only she knew how. Aloise and Liam arrive at the seventh floor without much issue. [color=00ffcc]"Took you long enough,"[/color] Aloise commented, her gun with rock-salt rounds at the ready. The marine had already done a brief scan of the area, finding nothing of interest on the floor. However, she had her gun at the ready, just in case anything attacked. [color=00ffcc]"Whatever it is, I think it's probably gone by now,"[/color] Aloise added. [color=00ffcc]"Could be human...but I doubt it."[/color] The floorboards above Aloise and Liam started to creak, and Aloise glanced up quickly. Little things of dust were coming down from where the attic entrance was boarded up, as if someone was upstairs. Her finger on the trigger, Aloise listened as the sounds stopped. She spun around, seeing as the O.M.E.N. agent and Eudora emerged on the seventh floor. [color=00ffcc]"Who are you two?"[/color] she asked calmly. "Agent Keenan, O.M.E.N.," the agent replied. He recognized hunters when he saw them. "We need you two to step aside. This is an official O.M.E.N. investig--" But his words were cut off. The ceiling creaked and groaned, and a moment later, it simply wasn't there anymore. Aloise threw herself to the ground, shoving Liam out of the way as a wardrobe fell through the ceiling, landing where they had been standing a moment before. Eudora was completely unscathed, but the wardrobe had a glass pane on the outer door, and it smashed, sending shards into the leg of the O.M.E.N. agent. "Valeska's up there," Agent Keenan groaned, forcing himself to his feet. [color=00ffcc]"The girl they like for the murders?"[/color] Aloise asked, raising an eyebrow. It seemed Coventry wouldn't be a quiet job for Liam and her after all.