[@Silent Observer] [@Universorum] [@Lovely Complex] [hider=Abigail][h2][color=deeppink]▲[/color]Switcher[/h2] [center][h3][color=deeppink]Abigail Elizabeth Walker[/color][/h3] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODRlNTAyMzItODA5MC00OTg0LTlmOGEtZmE3NTU0MjA1YmEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_UY317_CR20,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [color=deeppink]╟[/color] 24 [color=deeppink]||[/color] Australian [color=deeppink]||[/color] Female [color=deeppink]╢[/color][/center] [indent] [sub][b][h3]⋙: R E P U T A T I O N[/h3][/b][/sub][hr] Even before the manifestation of her abilities, Abigail knew her place was in the spotlight, and her parents did nothing to dissuade her from it. If one searched through the attic in her parent's house, they would find countless home videos documenting most of her child hood and teenage years. At age seven Abby entered into her first child beauty pageant, and the next 10 years were a whirlwind of sparkling dresses and hairspray. As vapid as the whole experience may seem, she gained valuable education in public speaking, along with a greater awareness of global difficulties. By the end of her successful pageant years, Abigail was a media darling. Her pageant success brought her the opportunity to speak out on topics that were important to her, along with the ability to travel out of Detroit and work with many different charities as a spokesperson. She was by no means famous, but was very well known thanks to the world's social media obsession. Everything changed for her at age seventeen when her powers manifested. One moment she was absentmindedly petting her household cat, then several painful moments later she was a cat. Her changes were erratic and painful until she finally learned to control it and became a member of the Coalition. Since the day she was accepted, the Coalition became her family. Her ability to speak to any crowd made her a great choice to be one of the public faces of the group, and she had met with the mayor many times. Abigail has always been steadfast about her belief to help other people, but watching the video ignited a fire inside of her she didn't know existed. However, the battle after sent her limping back to the Watchtower with her tail between her legs, literally. [sub][h3][b]⋙: P O W E R S[/b] [sup][b]& F I G H T I N G S T Y L E[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub][hr] [u]A B I L I T I E S[/u] BIOMORPHISM Switcher can shapeshift her form, transforming herself down to her genetic and cellular structure. She can impersonate others, or enhance her body for combat. Her ability allows her to transform at will, usually into the shape of an animal. The transformation is painful, and she is vulnerable while she shifts. Biomorphing: Transforming into any living thing. Switcher must have a physical connection with whatever she is trying to become the first time she transforms. After that, she can transform at will. Body manipulation: Manipulation of a single aspect of her body. This is mostly used during combat to increase her physical strength. Can also be used to get past retina or fingerprint scans without draining her energy or leaving her as vulnerable as a full shift. Doppleganger morphing: Taking the memories, capabilities and personality of other beings. Switcher does this only when absolutely necessary as it is one of the most draining transformations. She often requires a “lifeline” to encourage her to come back into herself. Regenerative healing factor: Switcher can shape her cells to their optimal state, healing rapidly from any physical injury. This is used as a sort of "battlefield triage" and takes a lot of energy. Afterwards, Abigail may be in a deep sleep for days depending on the severity of what she has healed. Usually, she will use it to close outer layers of deep wounds and save the real healing for the pros. [u]C O M B A T[/u] In the majority of battles, Switcher will take the form a timber wolf, weighing in at about 85 pounds of teeth, claws, and canine instinct. She will usually try to shift pre-battle, as the shift is painful and leaves her momentarily disoriented as she settles in. If she is forced to shift mid-combat, she relies on one of her team members to watch her back. In smaller fights that require less aggression, Switcher relies mostly on stamina and agility. She is small, fast, and highly trained in Aikido. [sub][h3][b]⋙: A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [sup][b]& P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub][hr] [u]L O O K S & S T Y L E [/u] Abigail/Switcher stands at a rather unimpressive 5'3”. She has entertained the idea many times of increasing her height using her abilities, but it is hard enough to stay true to oneself as it is without throwing super-abilities into the mix. Her style trends towards girly, with pink, white and gray being the prominent colors of her wardrobe. On the special days when she gets to relax, she also enjoys sundresses and skirts (weather permitting, of course). She's learned the hard way they are a bitch to fight in though. Sadly, Switcher never got a “superhero costume”. Every time she shifts into her timber wolf form, her clothing is destroyed. If she switches into something smaller, her clothing is lost in the mayhem. On the rare occasions she transforms fully into another person, her wardrobe reflects whatever they would wear. When she goes out into a minimum combat zone, she tends towards a “uniform” of black torn skinny jeans, black combat boots, black tank top and black jacket. Although Abigail doesn't tend to wear black, she does favor it as Switcher for obvious reasons. [u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S [/u] [indent][list][*] Openness – Since she was heavily involved in the pageant scene, Abigail is pretty used to baring her soul for the world. Whether you are on old or new friend, Abby will welcome you with open arms. Extroversion – Abigail is a true extrovert, always willing to try something new and not afraid of large groups of people. She can make friends with anyone, as people tend to find her charismatic and captivating, and specializes in bringing people out of their shells. Her exuberance can be a little overwhelming for some people. Considerate – When it comes to people she loves, Abby always thinks about little things she can do for them to make their days better. Absentminded- Abigail can be a little on the forgetful side. She uses a planner to remember the big things planned (9 o'clock, fight bad guys – check!). Abby is always forgetting where she leaves things, and her housemates are constantly bringing her things she leaves behind. Self-conscious – For all of her bluster and bravado, Abby cares a lot about what people think of her. She wants to be looked upon favorably, so this drives a lot of her actions. Gullible – Abigail will believe almost anything she is told. This makes her the butt of a lot of jokes, but luckily she usually takes this in stride. She knows she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed at times. [/list] [/indent] [sub][h3][b]⋙: F A M I L Y[/b] [sup][b]& R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub][hr] [u]L O V E D O N E S [/u] Elizabeth Anne Walker – Abigail's mother is a very gentle soul from Australia who enjoys cultivating her flower gardens. Elizabeth does not work, but heads a lot of community groups. Abigail and Elizabeth were very close when Abigail was younger, but being in the Coalition has made Abby distance herself from her mother. At her insistence, Abigail's mother has moved back to Australia. Robert Brian Walker – Abigail's father and rock. Robert is a lawyer who instilled a sense of Justice in Abby at a young age. One of her soul goals in life was to make her daddy proud. As a lawyer, he can argue any case and has taken down the toughest criminals in court. With his wife and daughter, he is loving and kind. Robert met Elizabeth on a trip to Australia. They continued a long distance relationship for a short time until he convinced her to transplant to the states with him. Recently, he accompanied his wide back to Australia at his daughter's insistence. [u]Y O U R L I F E S O F A R[/u] [indent][list][*]Age 7: Abigail competed in her first pageant. She came in third and was highly disappointed. Age 9: Abigail traveled to Australia for the first time with her family. Here, she learned to surf and became an unapologetic sun worshiper. Ages 10-12: Abigail upped her focus on her pageants, learning Aikido as her talent to break away from over done acts of singing and dancing. Ages 13-16: Abigail gained notoriety in the pageant circle, doing many interviews and becoming a household name for anyone in the beauty business. Age 17: Powers manifest. Abigail struggles to learn, control, and test their limits. Age 18-21: Vigilante years. Abigail decides to practice justice in her own way, much to her law abiding father's dismay. Ages 22-25: Coalition. Abigail has joined the team and resides at the Watchtower with her new family. The release of the video and subsequent ass kicking her left her shaken and for the first time, struggling with morale. [/list] [/indent] [sub][h3][b]⋙:A N Y T H I N G E L S E [/b][/h3][/sub][hr] I guess I like Spider-man a whole bunch. It's all the witty banter (sometimes to himself) that does it for me. Face Claim: Indiana Evans [/indent][/hider]