[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color] and [color=cadetblue]Brick the Poliwrath[/color][/h2][b][Entrance to the Trunk → Town Path F8][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Ninian] The Poliwrath's beady eyes flicked down at Lilisette as she pleaded with him to let her Team go on alone, to which he grunted. [color=cadetblue]"Sorry, but you're stuck with me. At least until I see a bit more proof that you'll be able to handle yourselves on your own."[/color] As Ember edged closer to him, his bulging gaze travelled to her. [color=cadetblue]"Yep. I'll just be an observer in this."[/color] Selena's mention of his crazed attacker made Devon nod firmly. His deep brown eyes slowly drifting between the Bayleef, and then Ember. [color=darkturquoise]"Right. The last thing I want is to have another run-in with her, but if we do, I'd like having the backup."[/color] For a brief moment, the scene of both Ember and Selena lying dead on the floor at his feet flickered in his mind. Doing his best to fight off the thought, the Totodile shook his head and clenched his fists. Chuckling slightly at the Grass-type’s guess of his role in the mission, Brick shrugged. [color=cadetblue]”It’s not really like I can show you the way in a tree trunk with random formation and structure, but if you guys have trouble, I’ll give you some pointers.”[/color] Turning around swiftly, the battle hardened Guildie marched into the entrance of Folio’s Trunk, with the children hot on his heels. … The coarse sand underneath their feet shifted with every step through the hollowed out room on the top floor of Folio’s Trunk. Devon head slowly craning around the vast first room in awe, his lids squinting in the low light that managed to somehow sneak into the area through cracks in the bark. [color=darkturquoise][i]It’s so dry in here…..You’d think that the tree would be dead from the looks of this place, but in town, all the plants are totally fine…..Weird, the air’s not that bad in here either….[/i][/color] Brick lead the team of novice Explorers down a narrow hall, the rooted walls becoming increasingly claustrophobic for a few feet, before easing off again. Raising up a hand to stop the kid’s advance, the Water Fighter poked his head slowly around the corner into the next room to scan it with his intense vision. He soon pulled back and turned around to face the kids proper, and cross his arms. [color=cadetblue]”Alright, we’re going into the first room proper, so we’ll go over the basics one more time, and then one of you guys are leading. Always check your corners, try not to make too much noise, watch your step for any Traps, [i]always[/i] check your surroundings [i]before[/i] going after any items on the floor, and if you spot a suspicious looking Pokémon, sleeping or otherwise, keep your eyes on them, but do not engage them unless they attack you first, or attempt to harm other Pokémon without reason. And Ember, since it’s pretty dry up in the higher floors, try to keep the Fire attacks under control. Understood?”[/color] The little blue crocodile raised a thumb up to his instructor. [color=darkturquoise]”We got it Brick. We’ll be careful.”[/color] Looking around him at the three girls standing around him, he put his hands on his hips. [color=darkturquoise]”So, who’s leading? I can do it if no one else wants to.”[/color] [h2][color=MediumSlateBlue]Raiden the Feraligatr[/color][/h2][b][Glyph's Guild - Guild Member's Quarters][/b] [@Ninian] When asked if he ever made his own tea, the battle scarred Rescuer reached down to pick up his cup again and chuckle. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"Yes, I learned how to make my own from a merchant I met out on the road. It's rather convenient too, since I always have access to hot water thanks to Scald."[/color] The dancer's next question about his origins caused Raiden to hesitate for a moment before staring off thoughtfully. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"It's fine, I don't mind the questions. As for where I'm from, I come from the Air Continent. I lived in a village named Daneza, near Waterfall Lake. It's a very peaceful little place. There's a small river that cuts through the middle of the town and leads out into the ocean further down, and the plant life does a nice job of keeping the town concealed from harsh sunlight. It's a haven for most Water-types."[/color] The gator's eyes gently closed, his smile growing wider. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"I still remember how nice it was when I first got there. I met that girl, Lilith, and her mother, on the dock by the beach. I recognized her mother from a long time ago, and she let me to stay with her until I was able to build my own house."[/color] [h2][color=coral]Stein the Scizor,[/color] [color=thistle]Teth the Nidoqueen,[/color] and [color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Outside the Guild][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo] The two large Pokémon leaning against the frame of the doorway both stood up straight when the two lion's approached. The Scizor waving a claw as he checked behind his shoulder to peak inside the building. [color=coral]"Hey Fuse, and judging from the fact everyone's moving around out in the main hall, I think he the meetings over."[/color] Going stiff for a moment, Stien twisted his head back around and faced the door promptly. [color=coral]"Oh, hello Guildmaster! Perfect timing, Fuse wanted to talk to you!"[/color] The large green Dragon looked between both the Scizor and the Nidoqueen with a smile, before tilting his head down at Fuse and Hikari and putting his hands behind his back. [color=a0c9a1]"Ah, alright then. Hello Fuse, and hello to you, young miss. What did you need?"[/color]