[Collab between Ghost Shadow, YoshiSkittelz, and Roman] -- Kate awkwardly cleared her throat as a blur of blonde whizzed right past her, pushing herself into Jack for a hug. She thought briefly about just stepping away for a few minutes, in case they needed alone time or something, but she remained standing still as she remembered they were here for her. She had to inwardly scoff though, she should have known that a man like Jack had more than just...friends, and this blonde in his arms wasn't by any means a bad specimen. She had a great body; proportional in all the right areas that would make any man want to devour her. Kate had spent most of her life in school with these kinds of girls, girls that made it so that a man wouldn't look twice at anyone else, namely her. At the time though, she didn't mind. Men weren’t something she was exactly interested in, as her studies proved time and time again to be more important. Education before fun, a standard Kate had lived her entire life by. She cleared her throat again, this time to make herself known. Jack was slightly preoccupied with an overly energized Rin attempting to unbutton his shirt. Jack blushed as his gaze caught Kate's. "Ahem Rin-hold on nothings broken...well on me." Jack cleared his throat a bit while he gestured towards Kate and proceeded to button his shirt back up. "This... is Kate, she is a programmer for um code stuff. She has a Robot unlike anything I've seen before... granted he’s a pain in the ass but it’s really amazing." Rin calmed down a bit and listened to what Jack had to say. She gave Kate a quick look up and down before placing her hands on her hip. "Hmmm okay, come in. I got a lab coat you can wear while we see what can be done." Rin said in a monotone voice. "Is there something wrong with your robot? Crossed too many wires?" She said jokingly. Kate felt a muscle in her jaw tighten as the woman in front of her, though jokingly, seemed to be undermining her intelligence. Her green eyes glanced to Jack for a moment, glad that he at least had his shirt done back up. "I'm sorry, this was a bad idea. Sorry to bother you." She said turning her attention back to Jack and then turned to leave. Kate didn't exactly have a good history of 'playing well with others', she'd be damned if she worked with someone like her. She never worked well in groups in school, so she never really learned that 'team skill', and she sure as hell wasn't about to learn now...not with her entire future on the line and only a few hours to fix this whole mess. Jack watched as Kate started walking the other way and instinctively, he chased after her. "Kate wait c'mon she can help I promise." Rin watched as Jack chased after and felt a lump grow in her throat. It was a stupid move in her part, she instinctively thought the young girl was trying something, convincing Jack to come here but it looked to be the other way around. she felt a bit bad but wasn’t going to apologize just yet. Kate stopped walking, hearing Jack from behind her. She waited until he caught up to her before turning to him. "I'm sorry, but I just can't work with someone who treats me like a child. I was stupid to ask for help, no offense Detective Roman but you just have no idea just what I need to do, and frankly I think I would be better off doing it alone." Jack refused to take her answer. "No" he said sternly. "I’m not letting you go back to you apartment empty handed. Hate me if you want but at least SEE what she can help with and in an hour if you still hate me than you can go." Jack took Kate’s hand and placed it between his own. "I don’t want to see you behind bars." "I don't hate you Detective Roman..." Rinn watched as those two talked to each other. Letting out a long sigh she walked over. "Look... I’m not going to turn away a friend in need... and after all Jack has done for me there’s no way you’re walking out sweetie." Rin said with a polite smile. She really didn’t have time to babysit but if it gave her time to poke around Jacks noggin about his new "Friend" then so be it. Kate grew silent as the blonde approached the two of them, unable to help her eye narrow, but only slightly. "Are you familiar with the X-95.3?" Kate asked directly to the blonde. She wasn't even going to attempt to try to speak 'human' to her. The more Kate was able to make her feel like an idiot for undermining her intelligence, the better. "I need a system update by 8 pm tonight for all models in the entire city." She said simply, deciding to keep any details out as to who, what, when and why; not like she needed to give the blonde any more ammunition against her. Rin's eyes widened a bit as she grew slightly impressed. "Well it’s about time they got an update, we have half a dozen collecting dust in the back. We have been pulling parts from their structures to replace any prototype prosthetics that give out." Rin looked up at Jack with a wide smile. Her blue eyes reflecting the neon sign above her. "Those X-95.3 chassis are quite resilient... too bad the V. I. systems resemble the filaments of a toaster." She Joked. Again, Kate glanced over to Jack before responding to the blonde. She could really care less about the woman's own models they had in the 'back', she just needed to know that she could pull her own weight. "Then let's get to work, I don't have much time." She simply said and pushed past her headed back towards the building. Once inside, she had to wait for the woman to catch up so that she could lead Kate to her own personal work station, but once there Kate felt right at home. Most of the equipment in the room she was familiar with, other things having to do with tissue fiber construction and the like, not so much; but she wasn't here to admire the new toys. "I'll need access to your main frame computer with all authorization keys for full access to the data base. Also, I'll need one of those models you said you keep in the back, preferably one still completely intact." She ordered. Jack was surprised at the fierceness in her eyes as she followed Rin into a workstation. Rin gestured for a staff member to clean up the area and told the assistant to get here whatever she needed. When Kate asked for full authorization Rin scoffed and was about to deny but Jack quickly placed a hand on Rin’s shoulder and giving a nod to let her have it. "Okay Type in REStone357-14 in the username and put-" "No need." Kate interrupted. "I'm already in." They were dealing with time, and Kate wasn't about to waste a minute. She had already put in a hacking code, getting the username and password within just seconds and had the access to the computer and began typing away. Both Rin and Jack just stared in disbelief. "Wow Detective... your little girlfriend knows her stuff." Rin joked with an elbow to the side of Jack. "Hey Jack care to help me grab one of those X-95.3's out of the back? They are waaay too heavy for me." "Umm sure, I’ll be right back Kate." he muttered expecting to be ignored by a work oriented Kate. Both made their way towards the back room where the dismantled robots lay. Roughly three of the X-95's were in pieces but one seemed to be in tact enough aside from the cosmetic plating to be used. "So where did you find that one?" Rinn asked. Jack gave a shrug. "Actually we kinda... bumped into each other at the park." Rin looked down at the floor and started playing with a pen in her hand. "I can see why you like her, she looks familiar." Rin gave a set of devious eyes towards Jack. "whaaa I don’t- hey I think this one should work well." Jack said picking up the droid with one arm. "She needs help... and that’s the only thing I know how to do anymore." Jack said giving a cold stare towards Rin as he made his way back to Kate’s workstation. Kate had made no hesitation towards using Rin's assistant to her advantage. A fresh cup of coffee was now in her free hand, half the contents already drained as her other hand continued to hammer down on the computer commands. "Good, you got one." Kate said without even so much as having to glance back toward the pair. "Now I need you to open its main board and run a quick diagnostics, link the diagnostic code to me on this computer so I can run the information digitally through my program. Then I'll need you to take that same diagnostic and see if you can find a fluke in the system." -------------------------- Sektor looked up sharply as its auditory receptors picked up the door slamming. Kate had run off, taking Jack with her. Sektor growled darkly, darting out of its seat. A box appeared in the side of its HUD, [PRIMARY DIRECTIVE IN JEOPARDY - KATHERINE SAUNDERS STATUS: MISSING. SUBJECT JACK ROMAN MAY BE INVOLVED. LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED IF NECESSARY] Sektor sprinted out of the house and began trailing Kate at an inhuman speed, picking up DNA trails left in the air to find her. Dodging and weaving as best as it could it sprinted throughout the districts, incurring many surprised and confused glances from the pedestrians. Sektor managed to trail only a few hundred yards behind and noticed the duo enter a large facility. The doors had slammed behind them, just as the robot approached. Sektor looked at it, confused. "Unit 0.18462958 requesting entry." It began civilly, "In order to follow the prime directive, Katherine Saunders must be accompanied." ----------------------------- Jack looked towards the entrance as he heard a familiar sound. needless to say it was the Toaster back from bible class. Rin pulled up the security cam and audio on her Tablet as she watched the Android in awe banging against the door. "I’m assuming he’s one of yours?" She asked Jack. Jack let out a chuckle. "Yea he’s not MINE, I’d never get any sleep with that thing hovering over me asking about my platform." Jack grinned as he gestured towards Kate. "He’s programmed to follow her... after all she made him." Rin's eyes widened as she stared at Kate. "You continue to surprise me sweetie." She added after swiping her finger across the tablet. unlocking the doors. "Name, Designation, Manufacturer and directive please?" She asked the robot with an admiring eye. Already replicating in her head the chassis supports of the limbs and neck. "chassis structure is impressive as well as the servo syncros hiding in plain sight.... what’s the approximate torque capacity of your syncros in your finger joints?" Rin asked. Kate wasn't so submerged in her work that she didn't hear them talking as well as the familiar beeps and clicks of Sektor. She couldn't help but to smile as Rin sounded rather...impressed with her work. Well, she didn't technically build everything about Sektor, but she had done enough with him to keep from saying that she just found him while wandering the streets. "Looks like you'll be needing the lab coat." Kate jabbed as Rin let Sektor in. She just hoped that he would at least behave himself for now. Sektor nodded approvingly as the loud click of the door unlocking sounded. A young female voice piped over the intercom, [i]"Name, Designation, Manufacturer and directive please?"[/i] She asked in a small, polite manner. Sektor clicked awkwardly before responding. Name: Unit 0.18462958, designation: Sektor. Manufacturer: District Zero Science Team. Directive: The guardianship and protection of the mobile platform of Katherine Saunders." After finishing, it stepped inside. It approached Kate slowly, "This unit offers apologies, it was inefficient at the prime directive. This unit was...perplexed by the Christian Bible, our optical sensors were only working at an estimated 58% capacity at the time." [i]"chassis structure is impressive as well as the servo syncros hiding in plain sight.... whats the approximate torque capacity of your syncros in your finger joints?"[/i] The young woman asked once more. This time Sektor got a good look at her. "Your mobile platform is classified as 'attractive' to organics. Running bio scan, pending. Consensus reached. Your mobile platform makes up for smaller mammary glands with a, 'curvier' gluteus Maximus, another part of the female form males find appealing." Rin just stared blankly at the robot before continuing to prep the X-95.3 for whatever Kate had planned. "It’s quite odd how your bodyguard is uploaded with military grade scanning. Usually programs like that are a rarity." Rin opened the back panel of the bot and clicked a few switches before it sprang to life. "Besides," Rin turned to Sektor. "Most people have a 43% higher chance of checking out a woman’s gluteus instead of risking getting caught staring upstairs." She said with a grin. Jack turned towards Rin and couldn’t help but laugh, "Always thinking in numbers huh?" walking over towards Kate as she continued to punch symbols on the pad. trying hard to figure if she’s doing something important or merely ordering a pizza, it was all alien to him. "Do... uh do you need any help?" he asked hesitantly. Kate couldn't help but to roll her eyes at both Sektor, and the blonde's reaction to it. "Please, we have work to do." She said to the both of them, for Rin to get back to work and for Sektor to keep quiet...both somethings of which she was sure would never happen. But then Jack approached her, and offered help. It seemed that he was the only reliable one in the room other than herself. "If you can get over to the motherboard of the X-95.3, and tell me if there has been any damage to the Northbridge or Southbridge, but if it looks good then we have a bigger problem and will need to figure out where this fluke is coming from..." Jack quickly stepped over to the x-95.3 which was staring intently at him but not saying a word. "Umm okay... well lets just see if that motherboard is on the fritz." Jack reached up into the chest cavity of the bot and tried pulling off a vanity plate but managed to accidently snap a "rib" in the process. "This platforms motherboard is located in the cranial region." a rough metallic voice echoed out of the X-95.3 completely unlike Sektors high quality voice receptors. "Oh... right" Jack said before yanking on the robots head. "Hey so is there a latch somewhere on this or do I press-" *Crack* one of the bots visual lens popped out of its socket and fell to the ground breaking into slivers. Upon Rin's initial reaction to its statement, Sektor could only look upon her with a certain sense of admiration. "Statistical evidence concurs. Your equation works out. This platform anticipates the sharing of data." It said with a short nod. Sektor turned sharply as soon as he heard a short 'whoops' from where Jack was. "Stop!" It cried out in an oddly human tone, quite literally shoving Jack out of the way. "Running systems diagnostic. Model X-95.3 only working at 46% systems capacity, beginning repair process." Sektor then got to work, using a variety of repair materials on a nearby worktable to begin repairs on the robot, sealing the 'rib' back to its original place. "Subject Rin, this unit requests a spare photoreceptor for the X-95.3 prototype, immediately. Additional request: keep subject Jack Roman away from the prototype to ensure no further damage to its mainframe; his police background should hold no variable in the equation." Sektor stated, not looking away from the larger model. For the first time since Kate started working, she stopped. Turning her head towards Sektor, a wide grin appeared across her face. "OF COURSE!" She cried out, running to the bot and watched him work with awe. "Why didn't I think of this sooner? Sektor, you just may have saved my life!" She beamed and in her heightened elevated mood of happiness, kissed the metal that would be the unit's 'cheek' before bounding back over to her prior workstation. "We need to work fast Sektor, quickly feed me the information from the unit's instruction decoder, I believe there may be a fluke when the information tranfers over to the registers, which would make sense. Once the information reaches the ALU, the data will continually cycle the bad information, thus creating the explosion..." She began to pound away at the computer in front of her once more, but now with a new light of energy about her to keep her going. Jack just stood there as Sektor yelped in fear? Quickly stepping back as he let him do his thing to the adjacent toaster. He knew he wasnt much help so he simply watched as they talked code. "Okay it looks like you guys got this, ill make that call to my friend who may be able to extend your deadline." Rin nodded in agreement towards Sektor about keeping Jack away from robots. "Sorry Sek, he honestly cant tell the difference... thats why i had to simplify his prosthetics." Rin gestured towards Jack, " Jack theres a commstation in my office, besides... theres something i wanted to show you anyway..." Rin said with a grin. Sektor stood incredibly stiff as Kate 'kissed' it. "Data...archived." Sektor replied in an incredibly weak tone. "Running diagnostic on vocal emitter." It finished simply, looking downwards.