[h2][center][b]NIGHT ONE[/b][/center][/h2] ...hm, it seems that night's finally fallen. I suppose that means we should begin earnestly now, doesn't it? Ah, I'm tired. Even if my body and mind are every bit as sharp as they've ever been, I'm so very tired. You wouldn't have been able to understand, but for humans dependent on their bodies, the fear of death increases with the time they have lived. I'm not the sort of hero who can shoulder the weight of five hundred years as though it is nothing, after all. No, no, it's okay. I can keep moving, I'm sure of it, thanks to you. Without you, I would have given up two hundred years ago, after all. [i][center][color=7ea7d8]"What was she to you?"[/color][/center][/i] Before we met, I didn't think anything of you. You were just a machine, the last line in my attempt to make a more beautiful world. You were something that would be sacrificed for the sake of that dream. You were no different than a tool wielded as a means towards an end. And yet, when I looked upon you... -I was envious of you, for you could do what I never could. You could create a miracle that could save people. -I pitied you, for while you were something that could save humans, you were not a human. Your body was too frail to walk among us. You were eternally young, bound to repeat the same day until the end of your life. -And yet, overwhelming both of those, when I looked upon you for the first time, when you extended your hand to me, what I felt was hope. I stopped being a resigned man who saw this as a final project doomed to fail, and was revitalized with the promise of that dream I had nearly forgotten. [i][center][color=D3D3D3]"You must be Makiri. It's nice to finally meet you!"[/color][/center][/i] ...Was it love? Did I ever feel something akin to love for you? That feeling when you were taken apart to create the Holy Grail, that cold pit in my stomach, was it anticipation for the realization of my dream, or was it sorrow that I'd never see that hand reach out towards me again? I don't know. I can't know. I don't [i]want[/i] to know. But regardless of all of that, regardless of if that feeling was love, you were someone I treasured nonetheless. Ah, even if it was all the same day repeated to you, I wish we could have stood beside each other for just a bit longer. Just one more year, just one more month, one more day, one more minute would have been fine. I wanted to keep talking to you. I wanted to show you the outside world, the world we'd both promised to protect. I wanted to show you the cities where people live, and the mountains at the edge of the forest where you were born, and that simple little part of Kiev where I was once from. I wanted to be the one to extend a hand out to you if you ever needed it. But now... Please forgive me, but I'll have to kill. You never realized, you were always too pure to, but humans won't band together to make this miracle. They all have their own dreams, so I will have to kill in order to grasp our dream. I'll have to commit evil. I'll have to make them hurt, and for that I can only be sorrowful. But for you, for us, for all of humanity, I will achieve that shared dream that we have burned our lives up in pursuit of. Even if I must paradoxically commit evil to do it, I will eliminate All the World's Evil. I will create a more beautiful world. I will make a utopia where everyone can be happy, where everyone can smile. Ah, Justeaze. My Winter Saint, Justeaze. My comrade. My hope. My salvation. Watch closely, because this time, my promise will be fulfilled. This time, I will create a miracle. And then...then... [color=a2d39c]"...it's okay if I rest, isn't it?"[/color]