Corrine could feel her face become hot. How rude! You can't answer a question with another question. [color=8882be]"Well, if you must know..."[/color] she starts. [color=8882be]"My name is Corrine. I'm the new girl here. Today is my first day. Nice to meet you."[/color] She flashes a cute smile and continues her little rant. [color=8882be]"It's too noisy here and I want to read my book in peace. But everybody keeps talking about the same thing. Something that happened on the football field, I believe. Could you tell me what happened? Pretty please?"[/color] Corrine asks. This person didn't seem like a very warm or welcoming friend, but she'll take what she can get. He didn't give her the cold shoulder either, so he must be somewhat decent, right?