Charles narrowed his eyes slightly. This girl was much more annoying than he thought. He really didn't like annoying people. Especially if they're as brazen as this. Though it seemed to Charles that this was the kinda girl who got herself into trouble on a regular basis. A possible pawn perhaps? If she's as wilful as she is ignorant then perhaps she very well may be. A little test was in order. Charles flashed his most charming smile. [color=gold]"My name is Charles Lansaster III. Heir to the Lancaster oil fortune. You really must be new to this school if you don't know who I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance miss Corinne."[/color] he said. He let his introduction sink in before continuing. [color=gold]"Don't pay any mind to all that commotion. There were just a bunch of ruffians being as crass as ever. I'm sure you're savvy enough to not let yourself fall in with such a crowd."[/color] Charles commented. He flashed Corinne both a wink and a smile this time.