[color=8882be]"Well, now, you sound important. Pardon me for not knowing. Pleasure to meet you."[/color] She says. A sprinkle of sarcasm was hidden in her response. Corrine rolled her eyes at his words. So he was one of those types. One who thinks the world revolves around them and them alone. [color=8882be]"Oh, I know I shouldn't be getting into this stuff, but I would like to at least know what's going on. I [i]hate[/i] being in the dark. It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I can take a hint. I'll just go elsewhere."[/color] She brushes the subject off. Why did he have to be so difficult? He was just like Lenny, always sugar coating things that didn't need any sugar coating. If he won't be useful she'll just find someone else to ask. Someone who could give her a straight answer. [color=8882be]"Sorry for taking up your time. I didn't mean to bother you so much."[/color]