As impudent as ever. Charles could respect that, but that didn't stop him from being annoyed. Who did this girl think she was anyway!? Though she did look familiar. Yes, he definitely recognised her now. A wicked smile spread across his face. [color=gold]"Yes, I remember now. I've seen you around before little missy. By the tulip garden I believe."[/color] said Charles. The moment just before the predator catches his prey. He loved to savour those moments. Before another word could be said, Chet swooped in and wrapped his right arm around Corinne. [color=lime]"You must be mistaken Charles. This is Corinnes first day here at Salt Bay High. She's never been here before."[/color] he said. [color=gold]"Oh really? You must be a really important girl miss Corinne. Being close friends with the most infamous band of ruffians in the school. How perhance did this sordid little arrangement come to be anyway?"[/color] Charles asked. [color=lime]"Childhood friend, now if you'll excuse me Charles we have to go. We're in a hurry. Thanks pal."[/color] Chet said hurriedly. [color=gold]"Hmm"[/color] Charles said to go himself. He watched closely as Chet carted Corinne off around the corner. [color=gold]"Let's go, it's starting to smell around here.[/color] Charles said to his band of sycophants. They marched off as if they were a unit in the military. [color=lime]"Are you out of your mind!?"[/color] Chet whispered loudly to Corinne, [color=lime]"Do you have any idea who that guy was!?"[/color] he asked.