Plot : There are over millions and millions of angels in heaven and millions and millions of Demons as well. But none are as powerful as the archangels and archdemons of both realms. Each possess immense power and dangerous amount of wickedness and love and grace behind them. You might always think that demons are the most evil but there are angels and archangels that truly are as evil as the demons below them. Your a group of humans that are blessed by either the archangels or the demons. But the thing is only for those beings to come forth you must steal an ancient artifact of their to return them to earth once more. But can you do it and ...will you do it if you knew the evils and darknesses that are behind the creatures that have spoken to you ? The archangels Rapheal - The healer, water element Gabriel - Messenger, Wind element {Me} Micheal - Warrior , Fire element Jophiel - Seer, Light element Ariel- Natures guardian , Earth element Azreal - Deaths trasistion - Dark element The Archdemons Lust - Demon of revenge and lust can be dangerous to trust Pride - The fallen archangel Lucifer, Pride is can the unravilling of you Envy - To be jealous of those around you Sloth - Never wish to move, Die on your couch you patatoe Greed - Robbing stores or murdering others for things you do not have Gluttony - Just eat and eat till you can eat no longer Each person will be given a blessing by the choosen demon or angel. The angels will only play a small part and so will the demons only speaking to you in dreams and such. You will all be given powers from your demon or angel {ONLY ONE for the start} Each of you will have a gem each gem has different colors fro your demon or angel. Happy hunting ! Character sheets Name : Age : Demon or angel that blessed you: Power {ONE} Personality : History : Picture :