Blinking as a gentle but firm hand gripped her wrist, Marlene was taken by surprise that they were being dragged off. A gasp escaping her out of surprise, but she didn't really resist, rather just deciding to try and keep up. As they went along, she felt so informed! These infirmaries seemed to just be differently named Pokemon Centers; Buildings she'd seen before, back home. Usually they were in major cities, though, she doubted by Hero's talking earlier that she'd find cities here: Mostly villages like this one, more than likely. She noted to check out the market later; They could possibly find something useful for the road. [color=ed1c24]"Rah-Moot-Ooose?"[/color] Marlene butchered the title-- Or perhaps, family name-- helplessly as she tried to pronounce it, feeling sort of embarrassed just by the attempt alone. That was just someone who kept the peace though, right? Maintained order? That must've meant he was a pretty tough guy, maybe even a tough trainer, at that. It made her curiously wonder what he was capable of... Though she noted that if she couldn't even beat Hero, she stood no chance with Lil' Bri against a guy like that! She'd pass on a fight if she could help it. Making their final stop, Marlene blinked once more, taken by surprise at the ending stop: The woman's house. She glanced at Mable, then back at the woman, figuring after the tour it'd be rude to say no. She considered that maybe waiting on Mable to decide would have been better, as all three of them would be split apart if she decided to not drop in, as well. [color=ed1c24]Aaah... Sure! Ah'd be happy to!"[/color] She answered, instinctively. She glanced towards the ground for a moment, eyes seeming unfocused and wide as she realized she answered anyways, despite her original thoughts. Too late to change her answer, though.