[color=00a651]”’Ere, pour me anotha!”[/color] A big boisterous fellow shouted as he had another rather burly man in a headlock. Over at the adventurer’s guild was another day of merriment and fun, at least for Yaj. He rose up early that morning, caught himself breakfast, and came straight over to hang out with fellows and friends. Was hardly even noon and he was already red-faced and brawling with his chums. While Yaj was distracted with his roughhousing a blow to the back of his head caused him to stagger out of the fight as the others continued to slug it out with cries of joy and fury. As he was recovering from the blow Yaj ended up near an armored hottie. She seemed pretty high level considering how top-notch her equipment was, and Yaj has never seen her before. Thus he deduced that she must be a top-level adventurer who no longer gets jobs at the adventurer’s guild, but directly from royalty themselves! So of course Yaj would make a fool of himself by trying to get on her good side. [color=00a651]”Heeeeeey dar purdy lady. Got some nice knockers on ya. Wha chu doin here?”[/color] Just looking to the side Yaj noticed that she was standing in front of sign about the “Trial of a Hero”. [color=00a651]”Oh heeeeey, I was about ta sign up fer dis myself! What a coininkidink, neh? What are the chances of two heroes meet each other like this, neh?”[/color] The orc smiled, revealing his tusks and oddly white teeth.