So I decided to make this RP Low Cas. At least two sentences per post and you must wait at least two posts before posting again. The Smith family started their lives as nothing more than humble smiths. They produced quality chainmail and swords for their Lords, they made morning-stars, shields, and armor. Eventually their reputation for producing the finest goods grew and they were hired by the Bianchi family. The Smith family was hesitant to go, they had heard rumors about the Bianchi family. It was said their skin was so pale the sun would burn them if they ever left their castle. Some said they fed on human flesh and treated those in their service like nothing more than common dogs. But they were summoned and by law could not refuse. The Smith family packed their belongings and moved into the castle of the Bianchi Family. To the Surprise of the Smith Family, the Bianchi’s were not as terrible as the rumors made them out to be. In fact, they were very kind. One girl in particular was very sweet. Her name was Olivia and she fell in love with a Smith boy. The problem was… she had a little secret. It was true the sun would burn her skin if she left the safety of her castle and while she hated the taste of flesh, she loved the taste of fresh blood. She was a vampire. She had fallen in love with a human. She tired to hide her love for him from her parents, but they found out soon enough. They sent men to kill her beloved. … Many years later, Olivia is now the leader of the Bianchi Family. The Smith’s still live with the Bianchi family, but now they are all Vampires. While they still serve the Bianchi Family, they are now technically part of the family as they have all been turned. At some point the Smith Family married into the Bianchi Family and then they were turned into vampires and blah, blah, blah. The whole history is long and boring. Basically, the two families became one and now they live in Denver together. They are a rich and powerful family. They control most of the bars and clubs as well as a few banks. Every 1,000 years or so they pack up and move to a different location starting their business over. Recently Smiths and Bianchi alike have gone missing. Olivia has only just recently become worried about this situation. What or who is trying to destroy her family? EDIT!! So there have been several questions as to if humans are allowed. The answer is... YES!! But only if they have a strong backstory in their bio and you have to be able to fit them into the plot in the IC. No random humans that just "happen" to stumble upon the Bianchi/Smith mansion. Alright guys now the fun part!! Create your character!! If anyone would like to be the Smith boy Olivia (my character) falls in love with that is wide open. I left the details in the overview vague for that reason. If you choose to create that character, just let me know in advance. You will also not be expected to Co-GM if you want to. That position can easily go to someone else or we could not have one at all. One final thing before you get creative. If you would like to play the threat to the family please PM me. We can discuss your threat and if you want your character to work undercover in the family or just post in the IC as the threat. Or you could be both! This will be first come first serve! CS Name: (duh) This doesn’t have to be an Italian sounding name if you don’t want. They have lived in America for a few hundred years. It is safe to assume that at some point they started incorporating American sounding names. However, your last name must be Smith or Bianchi. Age: (Your Vamp can be from the beginning of the family history, or you can be a new Vamp. Just please be aware of time lines in other peoples CS). Gender: Appearance: (description or picture is fine. Anime or Real image both work if going for picture). Personality: Bio: (Can combine this with Personality if you would like) Special Power: (Each character only gets one. This can be anything from seeing the future, telekinesis, hypnotism etc. All Vamps have super strength and heightened senses.) Other: (Do they have a favorite color, pet, or biggest fear?) And the not so fun part….Rules 1) Obviously no Godmoding 2) Be respectful of fellow players 3) What I say goes! If we end up having a Co-GM and our messages are conflicting, always remember I am right ;) 4) Vamps cannot be born naturally. They must be turned. If a child is turned they continue to grow until a certain point (usually around age 20ish). Obviously if they are turned at an older age i.e. 31, they stop growing and will no longer age. 5) Have Fun!! 6) I hate odd numbers :) I’m sure I forgot something! If you have any questions or if I did forget something you feel is important please feel free to let me know!