Name: Lisa Carroll Age: 32 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Kind, smart, and very empathetic towards others. However, she's not very talkative, very shy, and she tends to stand back and try to figure out a certain situation before acting. She will stand up for someone if necessary (especially when a victim isn't standing up for themselves). She may not look like much, but she knows how to fight. History: Lisa grew up in a small family and in a small town near Cheshire, England. When Lisa was little, there wasn't much to do for fun except to read books or watch TV. She opted for reading books, and she loved the stories that came from the books. Alice in Wonderland was one of those books she loved. From those stories, she gained the inspiration to write her own stories and develop a bit of an imagination of her own. During childhood, she gained the dream of being a writer herself. However, reality wasn't kind. Her parents constantly fought with each other, and eventually they divorced. Lisa moved out of that town with her mother to New York. She was uncomfortable with the large crowds and tended to keep to herself all throughout childhood and high school. When she was in college though, majoring in English, she tried to get out of her shell. She is now a Middle School English Teacher, and she is trying to work on a book. Trying being the key word here. She has a serious writer's block and has no idea as to what she should write.