[b][u]Mordenia-1000m below sea level, Filtration Room[/u][/b] Yantat scurried along the rusted steel floor, a groan coming from behind him. The noise came from a human who's gut was visible through gaping claw marks along his stomach. The lesser ghul had launched himself at the human before he even knew what had happened. Yantat proceeded to push levers and adjust valves, creating loud echoes in the dark room around him. The mechanisms he was adjusting controlled the filtration systems of the undercity and the heavy doors that prevented sulphur dioxide from leaking into the city and suffocating its residents. Well, it's human residents. Truth be told, Yantat was no extremist, the humans were bad but they would die out long before their glorious monarchs, the monarchs themselves must have disagreed as the Underlord had sent the spymaster himself to give him his task. He was to disable the filters and take all the blame for himself. he had hastily agreed , a chance to serve the Underking himself? He could never refuse such an honour! After several minutes the lesser ghul completed his task, soon the deadly gases would reach the city and purge any human foolish enough to remain on their planet. As the final adjustments were made to the filtration system to allow the noxious gas, the slam of a door behind him and the stomping of boots made Yantat turn. "What the hell are you doing in here ghul?" The guard demanded as he entered the room, followed by two other soldiers.The guard's gaze moved to the bleeding technician on the ground. "What the hell? Stand down Xeno, or you will be killed!" The guard rose his weapon, aiming directly at the lesser ghul. Yantat had no intention of backing down; he screeched at the guards before swiftly climbing up onto the ceiling of the room, hidden amoung the pipes that would usually be pumping sulphur dioxide from the undercity. The ghul hissed and spoke in a broken dialect as he reached the top of the room "Soon the city will be cleansed of your races filth, and Yantat will be remembered for it. Not the monarchs. ME!" As quickly as he reached the top, the ghul leaped back to the floor, it's claws lunging out and catching one of the guards in the leg. His victory was short lived however, as the blast of gunfire erupted in the room the ghul dropped to the floor. Dead and his name forgotten before it had ever been known. "This is a problem. You two, go tell the captain and get some medical attention, I'm going to try and fix the ventilation system." The soldier in front ordered. [i]3 hours later[/i] [u][b]Mordenia-5000m below sea level, The Underlord's Throne Room[/b][/u] Valvathus sat in his throne of steel, like all other ghul architecture, it was rusted and had several large spikes erupting from the back. The arms of the seat were carved in such a way to allow the occupant to rest his arms easily without having to lean on any of the thrones sharp edges. The hall the underlord sat in was surprisingly well lit due to the thick reinforced glass floor that gave way to the fiery chasm of molten rock below. There were several bodies hanging just above the magma, held up by iron chains. The lucky ones had been dropped close to the fiery rock and had burned to death, the others hung there slowly dying of dehydration. The few human criminals the empire themselves had condemned pleaded for mercy and cried for help; the ghuls that hung there were silent and hung their heads in shame, humiliated that they had displeased their great monarchs. Along the walls of the room themselves were several out-crops, each of which had a armoured lesser ghul stationed on it, over-seeing the higher ghuls and humans as they spoke amongst themselves, in case of trouble. Any chatter that had been going on in the room died out quickly as the heavy steel doors to the throne room swung open. The commander of the Empire's 'guard' burst through the door,flanked by two guards. "Valvathus!" The commander shouted, marching directltly to the higher ghul and staring at him expectantly. Valvathus sighed before slowly standing to his feet. The Revghul towered over the man, he wore a dark purple cape that was punctured by several spikes running along his back and atop his pale head was a crown made of the same rusted iron as his throne , it possessed the same spikey quality, with two large horns protruding from the front and several smaller spikes running along the back of the crown. As the underlord moved, his tail slithered behind him, covered in metal and ending in a brutally sharp tip. "Hello commander. How may I help you? Has another transport of prisoners arrived to rot away in our prisons? Or does the Imperium have new orders? Perhaps need of my armies,hm?" Valvathus spoke the the commander with a forced respect in his voice, he did not seem particularly bothered about what the commander exactly wanted. "One of your imps have killed a technician, attacked one of my guards and disabled the filtration system! We have several reports of worried citizens and several dead! Did you have any idea about this?" The commander demanded; his guard's raising their weapons, aiming randomly around the room. The lesser ghuls guarding above hissed at the guards below but they seemed to take no notice. The underlord narrowed his eyes "Do you take me for a traitor, commander? Me and my fellows have remained loyal since" he paused for a moment before he continued, speaking with a hint of venom in his voice "..since you 'uplifted' us. I will make a public condemation of the attacks, but I ask you to remind the public our planet is not the safest place in the glaxay and that these... accidents can happen. " The monarch waved his hand to two nearby Ravinelords "Go and see that the lower caste understands what has happened and inform them on the monarchies' stance on these attacks" he quickly returned his attention to the commander "I trust that will be sufficient for now commander?" He drawled. The human narrowed his eyes at the Revghul "For now.Xeno." he said before turning and marching out of the room, followed by the rest of his guards and the humans in the room. Almost as soon as the final humans had left the room, the guards closed and locked the doors, Valvathus sat back onto his throne as his Ravinelords , including Zeneta and Wantet. "I see you found a suitable ghul for the job then, Wantet? Excellent, hopefully this shall strike fear into the human's who dare stay here. How many vulture ships have we managed to reassemble?" The underlord asked his Flame of War. Several ghuls of both castes had been working quietly in the underground ship yards to repair some of the many scavenger-fighter hybrid ships that were generally used for space combat "Only a dozen my lord, but we still have a dozen Swarm-carriers. One of those is worth a dozen of Vultures themselves!" Zeneta boosted. "Very well, Wantet, I want you to establish contact with all remaining planets on other oppressed worlds. I doubt we are the only ones plotting our vengeance, order them to seek out any potential rebellions and offer them our aid. But remember Wantet, if you and your spies are discovered before we are prepared to strike, you are acting alone and plan to assassinate me. Understood ,Shadowmaster?" The underlord ordered to the lesser ghul, although he hoped the plans would go smoothly, he was rather fond of the Shadowmaster despite his often cowardly nature. "As you say, Underlord" Wantet said before scrambling out of the room and all four limbs to establish communications with his various contacts throughout the galaxy. Technically basic radio systems the ghuls used would be easy to decipher, however the technology was so old in terms of the empire that it was unlikely to be commonly used. This would mean it would take several hours at least for Wantet's message to reach his spies. As the lesser ghul left the room, Valvathus sighed in his throne "I hope you are ready to call the lesser ghuls to war Zeneta, the days of the Empire's presence on this planet are numbered."