[quote=@tipssyCalibrator] Well...the character herself is good, but the problem is that she's almost [i]exactly[/i] the same as my character [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4225758]Akiko[/url]. And unlike most of the time when I say that the characters are just [i]kinda[/i] similar, this time the character seems to be much more similar. Not that there isn't anything different about them, but they seem to have more similarities than differences. She kind of just seems like a slightly meaner version of Akiko that chose to live in the gutter rather than starting there [/quote] Look, I don't mean any disrespect, but I really don't agree with this assessment. My character is supposed to be a Yankee/Delinquent cliche, and I know your character has elements of that, but they're more someone that's been mistaken for being one than actually being one. I mean, I wrote that my character committed crimes, and crimes that weren't simply defending herself. Unless I've vastly misunderstood what I've read, I don't think your Akiko would go around smashing people's windows in when they didn't do anything other than expand their business, and I think that's a fairly extreme gulf of difference right there. I don't think "slightly meaner" does justice to the difference here; your character might break the rules when she thinks they're unfair, but mine would break the rules when it suits her even if the rules are the only thing standing between the earth and hell. I know I wrote that thing about fighting bullies, but I didn't mean it as though she actually went around fighting bullies all day. In fact, more often than not, she's being a bit of a bully herself, seeing as the people she does stuff to don't exactly deserve the level of retribution she exacts on them. It was more just to play into the trope of delinquent characters not being total monsters, at least when they aren't faceless side characters or villains. It's like, she can be a nice person under really exceptional circumstances, but she's really bloody petty too, and I don't think your character is supposed to be anything like that. Also, I think her vanity is a pretty large difference between the two. Your character is not only poor, but you specifically wrote that they don't care about fashion, where mine really really cares. I read that female delinquents are often portrayed Kogals/Gyaru girls, which is why I wrote all that stuff for Yasu about her being consumed with having nice things. She's the kind of person that will talk and talk about the latest trends whereas yours would probably try and tune that stuff out. I mean, yeah, I can see some similarities, and believe me I read all the sheets before I made mine. But I don't think it's fair to say they're "almost exactly the same", and I believe there's more than enough to make them both distinct from the other. You compared your character to Goku earlier (in the sense you said she would be like Goku to Ryuuto's Vegeta), while Yasu is definitely more of a Vegeta. Heck, she'd probably strongly consider beating people up to gain immortality if she could; there might be a good person hiding in there, but there's a vain and petty person manning the helm.