Alright, sorry for the wait. Meet Charlotte. [hider=Charlotte Adams][list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Charlotte Adams [*][u][b]Magical Girl Title:[/b][/u] Unreachable Comet [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 15 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][center][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img][/img][/center] [*][center][u][b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b][/u] [img][/img][/center] This image depicts Charlotte in the middle of her transformation. A thin star-filled ring passes over her moving from her feet to her hair, replacing her street clothes with a beautiful white dress. She typically starts her transformation when she holds her keychain behind her back. Her hair is also placed in a long ponytail after the transformation. The keychain becomes a necklace that dangles around Charlotte’s neck in this form. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Charlotte is difficult to pin down at times. She finds it difficult to be herself in her new surroundings because of her unfamiliarity with them. Typically, when surrounded by friends or those she trusts she is very easygoing – even lackadaisical. This is mostly due to the incredible amounts of work her parents do each and every day to ensure she is staying on top of her musical studies and school work. The subjects she excels the most at are chemistry and history. Her worst subject is creative writing. In that regard, this is primarily because Charlotte’s analytical mind is much sharper than her creative mind. Primarily this is due to her strict upbringing, but also because she doesn’t typically have the energy for it. Charlotte isn’t really lazy as much as she is almost always exhausted. Often times taking her lunch breaks to nap instead of eat. This has resulted in calls home previously, but her parents simply wave it off as Charlotte being narcoleptic – which she is of course, not. While Charlotte’s parents do want the best for her, they certainly want the best for their reputation and lineage as well. This has driven them to take an approach to parenting that is often harsh and cold. During her fairly limited downtime, Charlotte enjoys sitting at cafes. She enjoys the atmosphere of late night coffee and a nice window to peer out. She enjoys wondering about the outside world, even if she could very well participate in it. She has found since her recent move to Japan she doesn’t have the drive to interact with people – often assuming that they would as a baseline treat her more coldly than her parents do. As, even in America she didn’t have many friends and wasn’t allowed much time to herself. This has also resulted in her not knowing what to say in many scenarios, instead opting to stay quiet and perhaps only say one or two things. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Charlotte is an excellent concert pianist, however she has little skill in composition. Playing the notes already made for her is her specialty, and she’s rarely one for performing some flourish at the end. She’s an incredibly competent science student maintaining a near perfect average and is often found with her head buried in a textbook. She finds researching to be a rather menial task and can do some fairly in depth research without too much struggle. Notably Charlotte also has a near-perfect memory. She is able to take massive amounts of information in without need for much mnemonic devices. Because of this she has stellar grades in school, however she is not involved in any after school programs or clubs. She is somewhat physically fit, she practices kickboxing and self-defense techniques at home in her garage when she needs to work the frustration out of her system. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Charlotte’s abilities are not specifically aggressive. In order for her to really combat her foes – she will have to be creative, something she often times struggles with. Her main ability comes in the form of intangibility. She can render herself completely intangible allowing herself to become not present on the physical plane. She can use this ability on any one part of her body at a time or the full thing - that does not present much of a challenge. However, she does find it more difficult to phase through objects that are denser. Charlotte can also phase other people through solid objects and other solid objects by touching them. This is her main method of fighting, she brings a few solid objects or uses her surroundings and phases them into her opponents, causing massive damage. Her main attack therein is something she calls her supernova touch. By placing a hand on her opponent she can cause them to begin to phase into the earth itself. This requires a great deal of concentration from Charlotte to prepare, however once she is ready a simple touch is enough to cause someone to sink as fast as they would fall when jumping from a plane. Quickly gaining speed. By the time they regain their mass and presence in this physical plane they are consistently bisected or even completely in the ground, they would then, of course, die. This can be for a variety of reasons, the primary reason is that when they become ‘unphased’ they would exist in the same area as a layer of concrete, soil or even tree roots which they would reform around. Creating many holes. Her abilities allow her to play a more defensive role on the team, an example of how her abilities can be used on the defensive is through disarming someone. Simply having their weapon swung at her she can phase through it and cause it to phase through their hand. The weapon would then drop to the floor and they would be disarmed. [*][u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u] When her key is turned, as if unlocking something in the middle of the air her bow is dropped into her hands along with her quiver full of arrows. This bow is special as it allows her to channel her abilities through it and the arrows. What this means is that she can phase her arrows through objects and bring them back into the physical plane whenever she needs to, even already inside of her opponent. While this isn’t as useful as it sounds, it does allow her to make sure friendly fire isn’t an issue. [*][u][b]Brief History:[/b][/u] Charlotte was born in San Francisco to two parents who were both part of the insane gold rush of the twenty first century. That is to say, they owned a marketing platform for up and coming internet celebrities, allowing them to generate much more ad revenue and get ads placed by much bigger companies, ensuring a viewer minimum as collateral for the companies who they sponsored. Charlotte was tutored from a young age in many subjects, attending a private school that offered one on one classes for a premium. Because of this Charlotte often found that she didn’t really make friends as it were. She and her maids were on good terms, and she considered her teachers to all be nice people. But no one in her age had ever really, spoken to her. At least not for any real amount of time. Because of this Charlotte grew up afraid of those who would be considered her peers. Her father immediately sought out a personal trainer for her to train under as soon as she had turned eleven. He too felt that it was best to be prepared for the worst of the world. When she was twelve her family moved to Japan and she once again started her personal training. The sea of tutors continued, until very recently. Just this past month, her parents lost a huge client in Japan, but were desperate to see their plans and expansion work out. Thusly, they decided to cut costs where they could and move Charlotte to a public school. She would be a new student in the classes, just a small freshman. But she was desperately out of her league when it came to social interaction. She would be the newest student in class 1-C at East Umitori High. [list][*][u][b]Fairy Name:[/b][/u] Puck [*][u][b]Fairy Appearance:[/b][/u] A tiny girl with a light blue hue. She is a tomboy and incredibly standoffish constantly making rude remarks and trying to embarrass Charlotte. She wears a backwards snapback and aviator sunglasses along with a white shirt with Minny Mouse on it and some jean shorts. She has fairly large (in proportion to her body) wings which are translucent and is constantly posing to try and look cool. [*][u][b]Fairy Personality:[/b][/u][/list] Puck is best described as a wannabee. She wants to be cool, she wants to be hip but she really does fail. Often times she tries her best saying things like ‘bruh’ and ‘suh dude’. But in her heart she cares for Charlotte wants to protect her from the outside world. However, she’d never want Charlotte to rely on her or assume that her intentions are so pure, so to rectify the situation she constantly berates and yells at the poor girl. She also gets jealous when Charlotte spends time with others. Char-chan belongs to Puck. [*][u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u][/list] [url=]You’re Welcome.[/url] [/hider]