Mable beamed working on Professor Chetwood's egg hatchery early in the morning in her normal routine. An assistant professor Mable had spent weeks cataloging as many eggs as she could by sub division. Mable's Totadile was close behind her peeking at the eggs curious only having reached his first few levels. Mable finished her rounds before heading out into the field to collect the newest sets of eggs. A few were easy the pokemon moving aside. The rest required some convincing with treats. It was noon before the eggs could all be moved inside. The next step was to move any eggs near hatching into the nursery with the other level one pokemon. Mable beamed this part the best part of her day as she wheeled in a tray of eggs close to hatching. Mable wrapped the eggs in warm towels to weaken the shells happily greeting the other twenty baby pokemon who still needed training. Mable grinned happily taking them through aerobics as there parents peek in happily as few pokemon reaching level five. The level five pokemon hurry over to Mable as she lifts them handing them out to there parents happily