[color=8882be][h3][center]~Viola~[/center][/h3][/color] It was a cloudy day - her favorite kind of day. All it was missing was a light drizzle and a pleasant breeze and it'd be perfect. What was she doing outside, without umbrella and dressed in a bit of an odd fashion compared to most other people on a dreary day such as this? Well, she was looking for something. What was she looking for? She had no clue. Something out of the ordinary, as it were. Something that would lead her to the next stop on her little journey, whatever it was. She had come a very long way since leaving France, and she was fairly certain there was still a long way left to go, wherever it led. The small girl walked quietly down the sidewalk of the small shopping center, for the most part ignoring most of the other people and the stores. Nothing so far. Everything was the same old - boring. Incredibly so. Boring people, boring stores. Why was she here? Was she missing something? Fairly likely, honestly. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. Well, at least nothing so far until she stopped in front of a rather...odd looking wooden building among the more modern ones. Now that, was something definitely out of the ordinary. With a small smile, Viola walked into the store, not even checking the name or taking a look at the contents. This was likely where she was heading. Once inside, it looked much like what she expected. Odd, and everything completely looked out of place. There was just as odd as the rest of the store...and either he was asleep or a very good actor. Viola was betting on the latter. Still, if he was pretending he hadn't noticed her yet and there were a number of items on the shelves that looked quite interesting...well. He should be doing a better job of watching his store if he didn't want some random kid moving in and stealing something. With a quiet chuckle, Viola moved to one of the shelves, looking for an object that might be interesting to mess with. Also possibly steal.