[hr][hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James(!)[/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Parking Lot between [b]10[/b] and Gilbert Street (Wedding Site) [/center][hr][hr] People were starting to file in. Now was the time to find a spot to rest his weary hindquarters before all the good spots were taken. James hadn't been to a wedding in a very long time, even before dead people got up the gumption to eat the living. This was the closest thing to an evening at the theatre (not like he did that much either, though) that one could really have in snowy Newnan, and damnit, he intended to get a good seat. But first, James had to get something from concessions. For him, concessions was the toolbox on the side of his smoker, filled with various tongs, brushes, forks, and small amounts of non-perishables used in the flavoring and accompanying of lovely, lovely meat. From this he withdrew a sack of roasted peanuts. Just before joining the growing crowd, he secreted it into his jacket pocket and moved into the audience quietly, for once trying very hard not to draw attention to himself. Carefully, the veteran hog hunter zeroed in on an unattended seat next to Thana, opposite a visibly emotional Miss Sally. So long as he could make it there before anyone else took notice of the empty chair, life would suck slightly less. Oh yes. It was on. [color=firebrick]"...pardon... 'scuse me... ...comin' down... aw shit, sorry 'bout that..."[/color] and the like issued softly from him. He eventually made it over to the metaphorical goal line, and settled in with a sense of personal satisfaction. While the remainder of the unseated were milling about, James reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handful of the delicious, locally grown legumes. From the corner of his eye, James observed Thana and remembered his manners. Slowly, he withdrew the paper sandwich bag from his coat, and offered it fully to the familiar lady. [color=firebrick]"Goobers?"[/color] [hr][hr][h1][center][b][color=red][i]The Ceremony[/i][/color][/b][/center][/h1][hr] The entire world slowed down for Jack as Tatiana entered the wedding site, looking more beautiful than he could have thought possible. As much as he didn't want to cry, he couldn't help but feel like tears of joy could pour out of his eyes at any moment. As Tatiana reached the aisle, Jack took a deep breath, hoping to calm his furiously beating heart. Gently taking Tatiana's hand, Jack stepped up with her to the alter, perhaps the happiest man left alive in the world. Grasping the length of her dress, Tatiana stepped carefully up the alter, half afraid she was going trip with each step. That or pass out the way her heart was pounding in her chest and how she could barely breath. Handing over her bouquet to Meg she turned looked up at Jack. She couldn't get over how handsome he looked and right then it felt as if everything was right in the world. There was no thought of Walkers roaming in the snow outside the walls, none of the danger from Eden was there, life was as it should be. She was there, with him. That was all. Well him and Ash. Oh right, it was actually happening. The fact that it was happening was made apparent and official with Ash's nod to the couple, each one in turn. There was an expectant look on his face that seemed to say to the couple: [color=steelblue][i]Ready or not, here we go.[/i][/color] Standing straight and tall, the very official looking Captain Holloway raised his hands to gather the attention of the people of Newnan. When quiet was had, he lowered them, and addressed the crowd. [color=steelblue]"Please be seated."[/color] As the shuffling of feet and dress fabric settling into chairs ceased, Ash cleared his throat and began to recite the words he had worked out beforehand, striving for somber dignity. [color=steelblue]"We come together today in celebration. In a dangerous and troubled world, we come together to celebrate Love. Love, Commitment, and Family. We are that, every one of us now: Family. But mostly, we come together to celebrate these two fine people. Tatiana and Jack might have met by chance, might have fallen in love by chance, but they are here today because they made a [i]choice[/i]. They have chosen to pledge themselves to one another, from now until the end of their days."[/color] [color=steelblue]"Tatiana and Jack can express their love for each other with greater understanding than I. For this reason, they have decided to recite their own vows. Jack, you may begin."[/color] Jack nodded, taking a quick breath before he began. For some, it'd be their first exposure to the thick Boston accent of Jack Hudson. And while he tried his very best to practice pronouncing his R's for the ceremony, his nerves might have made the accent worsen. Smiling, he looked into Tatiana's eyes, and then carefully recited his vows. [color=00ff00]"Solovey, today I make the most sinceh promise a heart can make to anothah. I vow to be your constant love and suppoht; your devoted partnah in life; to allow myself to grow through your remahkable love for me. My life stahted again the day I met you, Tatiana. You taught me how to laugh again, how to smile, with dancin' and Monopoly. Today, I vow to you that you will nevah be alone--that we will face whatevah happens togethah. Because I promise you, my nightingale and my best friend, that I will nevah give up--that I will always believe in us, and that I will love you forevah."[/color] A second's worth of empty air followed Jack's vows, just enough to ensure that they were given the respectful attention they deserved before Ash nodded to the bride. [color=steelblue]"Now you, Tatiana."[/color] Tatiana felt her bottom lip trembling as Jack spoke, her heart swelling as she felt the threatening of tears. Ash's voice made her blink, breaking through just enough to let her focus on what she had to say. Taking a calming breath she swallowed before she started to speak. [color=a187be]"Jack, my vonderful Jack. Life is hard. Alvays vas, alvays vill be. I vov to alvays love you. You taught scared little bird to fly again."[/color] Smiling as she spoke she paused and her smile faded, her vows turning so much more somber. Her eyes starting to glisten as she spoke on. [color=a187be]"Ve vill die. One vill be alone. I vov should you die before me I vill still smile, I vill still fight, I vill still be strong because you vould vant me to. And I svear vith everything I am that vhen my time come, I vill find you again."[/color] The eyebrow of the good Captain officiating the ceremony was forced upward slowly but unerringly at the vows presented by the slender Russian lady. Ash's face turned to her as she continued, a strange expression creeping across his features. That was most assuredly [i]not[/i] expected. But it was honest, had to credit Tati that one. The tiniest of shrugs later, and he continued. [color=steelblue]"You have chosen to wear rings to remind you of these promises to one another. As you make this next promise, present one another with these symbols of your commitment.[/color] [color=steelblue]"Jack, do you take this woman, Tatiana Lobov Korvo, as your wife from this day onward, until death parts you?"[/color] Jack nodded, still grinning despite the solemn nature of Tatiana's vows. She was a survivor, and more importantly, she was realistic. Odds were, something would happen to one of them. They had been lucky to make it this far without injury. [color=00ff00]"I do,"[/color] Jack said, taking the wedding band, and slipping it onto Tatiana's finger. It was perhaps nicer by old day standards than the engagement ring he had given her, considering that it wasn't made out of rope. But both rings, in Jack's opinion, looked equally lovely on Tatiana. [color=steelblue]"Tatiana, do you take this man, Charles Jack Hudson, as your husband from this day onward, until death parts you?"[/color] Tatiana took Jack's hand and smiled up at him. The [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/046/2/8683545/il_340x270.670828946_e1uy.jpg]ring[/url] she had found had taken a long while to acquire. It ended up being a run down to the old Ren Faire site again that had finally paid off. It was simple and rustically made but it held so much meaning. To be able to find a more traditional Russian Wedding Ring, a triple rolled puzzle ring like like the ones she had seen people wearing growing up was priceless. [color=a187be]"I do,"[/color] she said breathlessly as she slipped the ring on his finger. Biting her bottom lip she couldn't stop looking up at him, a light hearted giggled escaping her as she looked into his eyes. A deep, soulful expression enveloped Ash. There was reverence in his eyes, looking upon the happy couple and the crowd behind them. There was actual love here. Ash himself felt a twinge of bittersweet sorrow buried under the solemn joy of the occasion. They were almost at the conclusion of the ceremony. Finish, congratulate, feel something later. [color=steelblue]"Witnessed by God and all those present, you may now share your first kiss as Husband and Wife."[/color] Tatiana barely waited for Ash to finish speaking before she tossed her bouquet over her shoulders towards Meg and Kris; launching herself towards Jack with a smile so bright she thought her face might actually split in two. Her lips pressing against his as her arms wrapped over his shoulders. Giggling into the kiss she didn't even think about the fact that traditionally the man was supposed to kiss the woman, she just wanted to kiss her husband, so she did. Jack nearly fell backwards as Tatiana practically leapt at him, catching his balance at just about the last possible second. For a cop, he hadn't exactly been trained for catching Russian ballerinas--but still, it worked out. And he had never been raised in quite a traditional household, knowing strong female roles his entire life. He didn't think twice about Tatiana kissing him, as he kissed her back in exchange. Hell, he wouldn't have been that surprised if he ended up taking her name instead.