Mable beamed down at the balls knowing she might need plenty. Mable smiled buying four more choosing just the basic balls. Mable spent sometime quizzing the pokeball maker on the kinds of apricorns he needed to build more balls. Mable watched giggling as Marlene raced towards the fresh food eating up. Mable glancing at Hiro wondered how long the three of them would be off on the road. If the next town was far enough they may need hard supplies. In this train off though Mable went over to the dry goods vendor buying some very basic traveling rations to last two weeks. If they had to travel further they could eat food along the road as long as the fruits were edible. Mable stretched rejoining Marlene as she enjoyed her fresh food. Mable smiled at her waiting politely until every piece was devoured. [color=f26522]"Where to next Marlene? Wanna check out the beach or do you think it's best to head straight for the local forest?" [/color]