[center][h1][b][i][color=D62B98]Kimber McKenzie[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loxlgvAo7y1qlphkg.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] Kimber poured the beer slowly as the TV droned on about the arrival of the Royal family. The bar wasn't crowded, but that was to be expected since most normal people were at their respective jobs, but she did have a few in The Onyx, those on their breaks or those with nothing better to do than to get drunk. One such person was Brandon. An old friend of her father's and a long time customer. He popped in on more than one occasion. She figured it was partly because he wanted to look out for her, but she was also sure it was because of the discount on booze. Brandon was sitting at the counter watching the tv. He scoffed, "Royal family. Please. Bunch of stupid nobles thinking they are better than the rest of us wanna come over here and see how we are living. They are going to make our lives worse, you mark my words." He directed his last comment to no one in particular, so Kimber shrugged it off. Brandon downed his glass before speaking again, "I'm serious Kimber. They don't care about working folk like yourself. If your daddy's bar gets in their way, they will tear it down without hesitation. Your father knew that. It's part of the reason he made this bar." It was a conversation they had many times before. Her father, a rebel leader, had this bar as a front for his activities. However, she wanted no part in it. Though her views are similar to her father's, she didn't want to start unnecessary trouble. Brandon knew this. [color=D62B98]"Already told you Brandon, I want no part in that. My father may have wanted it, but I just want to run this place. I couldn't give a damn about the royals. They want to come here. More than welcome to. Maybe they can dirty their feet a bit and see and we may actually get progress. Fat chance of that happening, but a girl can dream."[/color] She cashed out a few patrons that got up and left. Soon it was only her and Brandon in the bar. She poured him another drink. "You know I care about you, girl. Your dad wanted me to look after you and I can't do that if I worry about raids and royals not minding their own business." Kimber knew Brandon meant what he said and she appreciated him. [color=D62B98]"I know. I appreciate it, but I can handle myself."[/color] Brandon smiled a bit before he polished off his drink. "You are definitely your daddy's girl."