[b]Cassandra[/b] "Sure thing Kamina." Cassandra snarked as she started actually building her kit now that the paint and panel lining was finished. She didn't disagree with the sentiment though, even if she wasn't as 'into' Gunpla as the rest of the people at the table where. She then turned to the guy with the Xamel that had sat at a table next to them "We don't bite you know, and we got plenty of room over here for one more." she said. She might not be 'into' Gunpla like the others, but fellowship was a big part of why people came to her mom's shop over the larger one after all. [b]Alexis[/b] "Maybe I should have you guys have a look at a battle program Justin's been working on then. He's got all the modeling and basic rules of the mode done, just needs some one to get some AI in the CPU opponents, and he says the stock AI is to dumb." Alexis said as she watched the bearguys fly around Dani. "New methods of control, and smarter AI is all well and good, but even the smartest AI can be crushed and broken if it's controlling something every one knows the ability of."