I've noticed a lack of Wavecaster Mentors, so here's my second character to fill the gap! If any of this conflicts with what you wanted for the setting [@tipssyCalibrator], it's all subject to change. [hider=My Hider] Name: Dr. Shin Maxwell Age: 35 Gender: Male Personality: Dr. Maxwell has what he calls confidence, and his colleagues call arrogance. He will refuse to listen to any interruptions or objections to what he is saying, even if they are valid. When they are valid, he will accept and internalize it later on, but still hold to his previous position as long as possible. He is generally dismissive of who he thinks of as less intelligent than him. When Maxwell runs into something of interest to his studies, he will examine it as soon as possible. If it's a person, he will pepper them with questions and be visibly disappointed of they cannot answer. If it's an object, he will examine at closely as possible, taking it apart if he thinks he can put it back together. When it comes to those he mentors, Maxwell will help them to the best of his ability, as it is part of his job. Even if he personally dislikes them, he will put his all into advancing their abilities. Backstory: Dr. Maxwell comes from a middle class American family, with an American mother and a Japanese immigrant father. They were comfortable, but not particularly wealthy. Maxwell was gifted from a young age, and graduated high school at the age of 11. When he reached the university level, he found it much more competitive than he was used to. The stress caused the activation of his powers, and he was taken to the Institute at the age of 12. At the Institute, Maxwell was placed under Sakura Yasuda, the inventor of the device that enhances a Channeler's natural sensing ability, allowing the institute pinpoint accuracy in finding new talents; and the creator of the categories the Institute uses for Channelers. Under her tutelage, Maxwell quickly mastered the technology of the Institute, even introducing several improvements while still a student. When he left the Institute, he left with a confidence that he had lacked in the past. He was able to earn his doctorate in physics in three short years. With his degree in hand, the now Doctor Maxwell turned to the biggest mystery in his life: channeling. He set out to find and catalogue as many Channelers as possible. Not every Channeler appreciated this, and this is when Maxwell developed his skill and efficiency in the use of his power, something he had let rust since his time at the Institute. Eventually, Sakura Yasuda died, and Maxwell was approached to take her position at the Institute. He accepted, as it was the best place to study many different Channelers. He's now been employed by the Institute for 6 years. Appearance: [img]https://bignanime.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/excel-doctor.jpg[/img] Dr. Maxwell is a half-Japanese man. He is 5'6" and 160 lbs. He generally wears a lab coat over a suit while working and while not. He always wears his glasses. Equipment: Labcoat, glasses, clipboard, notebooks, sleeping gas canisters Abilities: Expert knowledge in physics, technology, and study techniques. Some Aikido training in avoiding attacks. Channeler category: Wavecaster Description of power: Control over air. He's doesn't have much raw strength in Channelling, but he makes up for it with high skill. He's expanded his range of control and senses to an unprecedented 300 meters. He uses surgical strikes to disable any enemies before they even reach him, as in close combat he's extremely vulnerable. He loses his grip on his energy when hit. Names/descriptions of moves: Mind's Eye - Maxwell creates a slight wind in his entire area of effect, feeling everything in his range and creating a mental map of his surroundings. Sightblinder - Maxwell guides sand or other powder into his opponent's eyes. Vacuum Edge - Maxwell creates a tiny vacuum, then collapses it near his opponent, creating a small cutting edge. This can be used repeatedly to bleed an opponent out. It causes a popping noise each time it is used. Mazuku, the Evil Wind - Maxwell stops the cycling of air around his opponent, leaving it deoxygenated and suffocating them. Touch of Morpheus - Maxwell releases sleeping gas, then delivers it to his opponent using his power. This can be switched with poison gas for a lethal attack. Character theme song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtG5bmW1KVY]Colress Theme[/url] STAFF CHARACTERS ONLY Institute role: Teaches Theory of Channeling, a high level elective, and maintains the equipment dedicated to locating new channelers. Also, due to his high level applications of a generally weak power, he is a great mentor for those who struggle to use their Channeling creatively. Why they were chosen for the Institute: Dr. Maxwell has the greatest understanding of the technology the Institute uses, and is at the forefront of the study of Channeling. [/hider]