I've had too much time on my hands recently, despite GMing for one rp and taking part as a player in another. I saw Lugubrious' rp "The Crucible" and loved the way he did one aspect of it, something which a lot of rps struggle with: player on player combat. Unfortunately, that one's full, so I'd like to run something inspired by it. It will have arena aspects, but think of it more as an rp set in a tournament than an rp about the tournament: there'll be plenty of things to do outside the fights, but the fights will be significant to the general story and will be the most common cause of character death (which will be somewhat common, due to the nature of the rp). You're probably wondering what Lugubrious did which I liked so much, I did go on about it a little. In "The Crucible", fights between players would be handled with each player writing the same part of the fight, controlling [b]both combatants[/b]. The other players in the rp would then vote (like the post) on which they preferred, not based on how well the player fought in their version, but on how engaging and enjoyable reading the post was. The post with the most votes would become canon, while the other would be edited into a hider. This would both encourage good writing and prevent arguments ("No way he could have dodged that!"). I'm planning for the setting to be gothic-themed, but it doesn't need to be. Also haven't decided on a writing style, but it'll probably end up as casual. Basically, I want to see what you guys want, keep fairly little set in stone. What I am certain about, though, is that I want a large group of players (I think Lugubrious had 33, I'm thinking on the same scale), magic to be relatively common (on the D&D level), and a fantasy level of technology, etc. I will post a character soon to provide a better idea of what I'm going for, the newest one in my character thread. Details from the backstory may or may not be canon for the rp, but it will be generally similar (e.g. maybe she wasn't born in the Ellorien Empire, she was born in civilisation X, instead). Characters used in other rps may be accepted into this one if they fit the setting and power level, but they must be original. Sorry for the lack of conciseness, I'm not great at that sort of thing.