[color=8dc73f]"Now that you mention it, he did seem a little shady. Disinterested too."[/color] Hiro got lost in thought for a moment. [color=8dc73f]"Do you think we should just avoid him? It'd be pretty rude, but if you think it might be safer...I guess you could stay behind. I'm going to see him, anyway. If you guys don't want to follow, should we meet up later?"[/color] He asked, feeling a little less confident about meeting the stranger. Then, he remembered something. [color=8dc73f]"Oh! I think he's a traveler like us, by the way. Judging by his clothes, he isn't a local. In any case, I'd appreciate it if you guys would accompany me, but you're free not to."[/color] And with that message, Hiro started heading south; the direction of the beach. Once outside, he saw a figure standing at the edge of the grassland and the beach. Assuming this was the man from before, Hiro waved and kept walking.