[quote=@Western Robot] I've noticed a lack of Wavecaster Mentors, so here's my second character to fill the gap! If any of this conflicts with what you wanted for the setting [@tipssyCalibrator], it's all subject to change. [hider=My Hider] Name: Dr. Shin Maxwell Age: 35 Gender: Male Personality: Dr. Maxwell has what he calls confidence, and his colleagues call arrogance. He will refuse to listen to any interruptions or objections to what he is saying, even if they are valid. When they are valid, he will accept and internalize it later on, but still hold to his previous position as long as possible. He is generally dismissive of who he thinks of as less intelligent than him. When Maxwell runs into something of interest to his studies, he will examine it as soon as possible. If it's a person, he will pepper them with questions and be visibly disappointed of they cannot answer. If it's an object, he will examine at closely as possible, taking it apart if he thinks he can put it back together. When it comes to those he mentors, Maxwell will help them to the best of his ability, as it is part of his job. Even if he personally dislikes them, he will put his all into advancing their abilities. Backstory: Dr. Maxwell comes from a middle class American family, with an American mother and a Japanese immigrant father. They were comfortable, but not particularly wealthy. Maxwell was gifted from a young age, and graduated high school at the age of 11. When he reached the university level, he found it much more competitive than he was used to. The stress caused the activation of his powers, and he was taken to the Institute at the age of 12. At the Institute, Maxwell was placed under Sakura Yasuda, the inventor the the device that lets the Institute detect Channeling across the globe, and the creator of the categories the Institute uses for Channelers. Under her tutelage, Maxwell quickly mastered the technology of the Institute, even introducing several improvements while still a student. When he left the Institute, he left with a confidence that he had lacked in the past. He was able to earn his doctorate in physics in three short years. With his degree in hand, the now Doctor Maxwell turned to the biggest mystery in his life: channeling. He set out to find and catalogue as many Channelers as possible. Not every Channeler appreciated this, and this is when Maxwell developed his skill and efficiency in the use of his power, something he had let rust since his time at the Institute. Eventually, Sakura Yasuda died, and Maxwell was approached to take her position at the Institute. He accepted, as it was the best place to study many different Channelers. He's now been employed by the Institute for 6 years. Appearance: [img]https://bignanime.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/excel-doctor.jpg[/img] Dr. Maxwell is a half-Japanese man. He is 5'6" and 160 lbs. He generally wears a lab coat over a suit while working and while not. He always wears his glasses. Equipment: Labcoat, glasses, clipboard, notebooks, sleeping gas canisters Abilities: Expert knowledge in physics, technology, and study techniques. Some Aikido training in avoiding attacks. Channeler category: Wavecaster Description of power: Control over air. He's doesn't have much raw strength in Channelling, but he makes up for it with high skill. He's expanded his range of control and senses to an unprecedented 300 meters. He uses surgical strikes to disable any enemies before they even reach him, as in close combat he's extremely vulnerable. He loses his grip on his energy when hit. Names/descriptions of moves: Mind's Eye - Maxwell creates a slight wind in his entire area of effect, feeling everything in his range and creating a mental map of his surroundings. Sightblinder - Maxwell guides sand or other powder into his opponent's eyes. Vacuum Edge - Maxwell creates a tiny vacuum, then collapses it near his opponent, creating a small cutting edge. This can be used repeatedly to bleed an opponent out. It causes a popping noise each time it is used. Mazuku, the Evil Wind - Maxwell stops the cycling of air around his opponent, leaving it deoxygenated and suffocating them. Touch of Morpheus - Maxwell releases sleeping gas, then delivers it to his opponent using his power. This can be switched with poison gas for a lethal attack. Character theme song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtG5bmW1KVY]Colress Theme[/url] STAFF CHARACTERS ONLY Institute role: Teaches Theory of Channeling, a high level elective, and maintains the equipment dedicated to locating new channelers. Also, due to his high level applications of a generally weak power, he is a great mentor for those who struggle to use their Channeling creatively. Why they were chosen for the Institute: Dr. Maxwell has the greatest understanding of the technology the Institute uses, and is at the forefront of the study of Channeling. [/hider] [/quote] The only thing that conflicts with the setting is that channellers don't need a machine to sense energy across the world, they can do it naturally just by practicing. However, you can still have a machine that does that, but instead just have it be made for convenience instead. Kinda like a washing machine, it's not made to do something that they can't do, but made to do it more efficiently [quote=@DarkwolfX37] So, first I'd like to apologize for being late on when I said I'd have a few CSs up. Secondly, I have a very important question and a few suggestion. For the record, I've been busy all day, it's 4 in the morning, and I have yet to read through all the CSs to prevent similarities or to answer this important question. The most important question is: If you're looking for anime cliches... Is a fourth-wall breaker character allowed? And if so, to what degree? Super simple like... (I forgot my example for this one. It's been a few hours since this question hit me. Basically where they can only really do the "how did they do that?" stuff like suddenly appearing somewhere.) Or is a more obvious one like Akira Kogami from Lucky star alright, (Straight up talking to the players) or can it be even further like... (Forgot this example too, sorry.) Or would full on Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo levels be accepted? And lastly, obviously since it's the highest level of fourth-wall breaking, can a character just be totally balls to the wall "this is basically the character from the Abridged series brought to the actual series and they talk about how 'things were in the manga' level?" As for the suggestion, I think a good Alternative staff member could be a... well, basically a toned-down power version of Accelerator. That sort of power would give them a lot of insight into teaching pretty much anyone how to use their own powers and would make a great "this is the staff in charge of stopping serious fights" sort of character. Could even give them the same lazy personality. Plus that's pretty much the only mentor I can think of for Jonathan. [/quote] Well I may be mistaken, but I've never really thought of 4th wall breaking as an anime cliche. I mean sure it happens sometimes, but I never got the sense that it happens more often than in other stories As for a character who breaks the 4th wall, I don't have a problem with an [i]occasional[/i] 4th wall nod, but I feel like a full on Deadpool-esque character who's constantly just taking a wrecking ball to the wall might be a little much. What I would suggest is just making a [i]overall[/i] comedic character that sometimes makes a 4th wall joke Also, what do you mean by "Accelerator"? [quote=@Cu Chulainn] And here is my take for a mentor character. I'm sorry if he's a bit OP, but I did take some time to balance him. If he's too young for his capabilities, I'd understand, although he's supposed to be around the age of the students. He's sorta a prodigy character, y'know? [s]and he is 100% male. I'm sure of it. Absolutely sure. I think...[/s] [hider=Lord Yuki Hisakawa] Name: Yuki Blakesly Hisakawa Age: 19 Gender: Male [s]I assure you.[/s] Personality: Yuki has an air of nobility surrounding him. From the way he walks to the way he conducts himself, Yuki always seems to move with grace and eloquence. He gives a cool smile at anything that pleases him, and can keep his cool at the most dire of times. This does not mean he is gentle in any respects against those who wish to do his loved ones harm, as he will rain down icy hell upon those who threaten the lives of his students and friends. It is because of this, as well as the fact that he looks like a beautiful woman, that he is a bit unapproachable. In truth, he is a very caring, down to earth individual at heart. Yuki wishes to teach his students to find their true potential, and to use their powers to bring happiness in both themselves and others. Yuki appreciates beauty in all things, and prefers to use his powers as a form of art rather than for battle. Some believe he doesn’t take his work serious at times, being a bit carefree with things such as lessons, but this is not true. He takes the time to perfect his art, and his channeling abilities come to him naturally. Yuki tends to make channeling look easy, to most. He isn’t very strict when it comes to discipline, and he’s a bit lax in his mannerism while teaching. Still, though, he does encourage his students to make true beauty out of their powers, believing that all powers capable of being admired as art. Yuki is quite used to being mistakened as a woman, and he takes the time to kindly correct those that he is a male. Backstory: Yuki is a child to a woman from House Blakesly and a man of the Hisakawa clan, both very accomplished channelers in their own right. He was raised in the Blakesly manor, living a very pampered life. His abilities manifested at a very young age, and he was tutored by the most accomplished of mentors before he was old enough to be sent to the Institute. At the Institute, Yuki’s capabilities were amazing for his age. He passed many of his classes with flying colors, and graduated from the Institute at the early age of 14, returning to his home. While his family wished for him to be trained to be the future leader of the Blakesly household, Yuki live a more carefree lifestyle, and wished to pursue the world of art. He made many beautiful sculptors, his talents not only being limited to his powers, and hosted a few art exhibitions. He wished he was able to show the art he could make with his powers to the world, though he was still content with what he could do, at the least. It was during one of his visits to the Institute that Yuki had an idea. He could teach other channelers that art could be made of their powers. He volunteered to be a teacher of the Institute, to instill upon his students that they can make something beautiful out of their abilities. Appearance: Height - 6’0 (182 cm), Weight - light af. Very effeminate [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/64/d9/0b/64d90b67cb3aac87aef79791ab1829aa.jpg[/img] Equipment: A brush for his hair, and a handheld mirror bearing the crest of the Blakesly family on the back. Abilities: Yuki is a very artistic individual, and is very skilled in sculpting. Yuki is also well read in different assortments in fine literature, and is also well taught in swordsmanship, although he cannot wield a sword normally. This is because physically, he is quite weak. Channeller category: Alternative (Although he can be considered to be both an Architect and a Wavecaster) Description of power: Yuki can manipulate and create ice, chilling water vapor in the air around him at high speeds. He can also manipulate cold, being able to create things such as small blizzards, similar to how a Wavecaster can manipulate and create energy. The most impressive part of his powers is how he can also control weapons and constructs he’s made out of ice, like an Architect. The things he can create, however, are only limited all the way to Medieval era craft, and anything higher than that would need closer inspection and research. The amount of power Yuki can utilize and maintain is amazing, and many consider him a prodigy because of this. This also, however, puts a major toll on his body. As a result of this, Yuki is very frail. Names/descriptions of moves: [list] [*]Presence of the Ice Queen - Yuki chills the air around him, creating an aura of cold centered on his location. This ability activates automatically as a result of Yuki beginning to channel his powers. Those within this aura feel a foreboding nip in the air. Whoever is too close to Yuki while this aura is active starts to slowly feel the sensation of being in an extremely cold environment. Yuki can also focus the cold to a certain area within this radius, freezing whatever is within this area. With this effect, Yuki can do things such as freeze the air at is feet to walk onto it, creating a floating platform of ice for him to walk and stand upon. [*]Royal Armory - Yuki is able to create weapons and shields of masterwork craftsmanship out of ice. To him, these weapons feel weightless. [list] [*]Blades of the Queen’s Knights - Yuki creates seven broad-bladed rapiers out of ice, one in his hand, and the rest floating around him. Yuki can control these rapiers by swinging the rapier he holds in his hand, conducting them like an orchestra. [*]Royal Frozen Lance - Yuki creates a beautiful lance that stings anyone other than Yuki who touches it with frostbite. Yuki can swing the lance like a greatsword, or throw the lance like a javelin, resulting in it shattering with ice and chilling air once it hits its target. [*] Call of the Queen’s Rangers. - Yuki creates a hunting horn and blows into it, pointing at an enemy, or a group of enemies. A volley of icy arrows rains upon the target. [*]Royal Aegis - Yuki manifests a heater shield frozen and strapped onto his forearm, strong enough to block most ranged attacks, and can block the mightiest of blows with little injury to Yuki. Weak to fire-based attacks, which will block the attack to a lesser extent and cause the shield to melt. [/list] [*]Frozen Knight, Ransarottu - Yuki creates a seven foot tall suit of armor out of ice which wields the Royal Frozen Lance and the Royal Aegis, under his control. Maintaining this knight requires a fair amount of concentration, although he can command the knight to keep guard, limiting its capabilities and strength. While the knight is manifested, Yuki is unable to call upon his Royal Armory. [*][b]Trump card, March of the Royal Guard[/b] - Yuki puts his full concentration on creating an army of thirty six-foot tall knights, with longswords and shields. These knights fight with unflinching ferocity, and are hard to take down. Yuki requires his full concentration to manifest this, and if it is interrupted, the knights all shatter and melt away. Yuki can only manifest this ability for a few minutes. Any longer and the ability feeds off of his vitality, possibly even killing him if maintained for too long. [/list] Character theme song: (just for fun, not mandatory) Institute role: Architect and Wavecaster mentor (He’s bad at it.) Art club advisor. Really pushing to be an Art and Humanities teacher for the Institute Why they were chosen for the Institute: Yuki volunteered, and is a living prodigy born from a long line of respectable channelers, many of which came from the Institute. While his actual mentoring skills are lacklustre, his strong channeling capabilities were hard to deny. Other: [hider= dramatic music...][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4qzPbcFiA[/youtube][/hider] [/hider] [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WugD8RX.jpg?1[/img] Two things. First: I would argue that he's technically more of a Wavecaster, just one whose managed to take his power to its logical conclusion and pull as many potential abilities out of it that he possibly could. They way he uses his power reminds me a bit of Crocodile from One Piece in that way. Second: why does he need the horn?