[center] [h1] [color=92278f]Aviva[/color] [/h1] [/center] [center][b] Fighting Back [/b][/center] Aviva could hear the ran outside as he was forced up against the front door. He and his father went tumbling down the stairs. As they parted Aviva quickly got up and looked at the man and his eyes went to back inside. He was having a hard time figuring this out[i]. . . Do I want to go back? . . . No, I have a clear run for the gate. . . It's raining, though. . . Who cares? . . . [/i]He then felt his body slam to the ground. Aviva groaned in pain as he then felt skin to skin contact to his nostril area. [color=92278f]"Ah!"[/color] He felt a sharp pain and he tasted blood as his father punched him a few more times before Aviva got his knee up under to his father's stomach. Aviva kicked as hard as he could. Getting his father off from him he got up quickly and started running for the gate. He looked back at the male and the man started getting up and chasing Aviva. Placing his hand onto the medium level brick wall and throwing himself over it. He landed on the other side perfectly fine. If he opened the gate, he would be caught by the older man. [center] [b] 15 minutes after running [/b] [/center] Aviva was out of breath from running all the way to the town from his house. Coughing and holding his throat as he was half bent over with his one hand positioned on his knee to support his body from falling. He was soaking wet from the rain. Rain decided to pour like a river from his locks. He breathed heavily but rapidly. Aviva's throat was really dry, and he was just trying to calm his heart from racing. He looked up into the air as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Some of the water was getting caught in his mouth. Aviva stood there like that for a couple of minutes till his head went straight and he looked around as he swallowed the rain water. He started walking again for he didn't want the man to catch him. If the older male was even coming after him. [center] [b] Shopping Center [/b] [/center] Aviva stumbled his way to the shopping-center of the town he has lived in for so long. He slightly smiled seeing the place. It did bring back fantastic memories of when he was a younger child. [color=92278f]"Eyh old friend."[/color] He huffed out air as he was still gaining his breath back but he wanted to say something to the shopping-center. Which is probably strange and people who are look at him if there is any would probably think he was totally mentally insane and that he would need to go to an Insane Asylum after wards. Combing his wet locks back with his fingers. Some of the water came off from his hair. Though the rain caused the locks to swell back up with water in seconds. Sighing he shook his head regretting a little that he ran away from home. [center] [b] Odd Shop [/b] [/center] As Aviva was walking along the street, he was looking around and smiled slightly. He was looking at all the shops he has been in and the new ones. Catching his eye was a new odd building with a new sign upon the entrance. He looked it up and down. Aviva doesn't think he has never seen this sign and shop here though he could be wrong and just have missed something. He also hasn't been in town for half of a month. Nodding his head, he looked around. Walking up to the door he looked inside and it seemed pretty light up and interesting. A new shop meant new things for Aviva to figure out and he was usually a curious individual. Opening the wooden door slowly he heard a creak then a bell ring. As he entered,, the door heavily shut almost slammed even when he didn't touch it. He rubbed his wrist and looked around. This time combing his hair back trying to get some of the water out of it. Aviva didn't want to grow with illness. He hated having colds but usually always seemed to get them. [color=92278f]"Hello!?"[/color] Calling out Aviva looked around then seen some movement by a shelf. He titled his head as he looked at the movement.[color=92278f] "Hello?"[/color] He questioned as he stepped a few feet forward. Aviva was being very careful since this shop looked a little odd. He looked around, and everything was in weird or awkward positions on the shelf or unorganised. His brows furrowed a bit in confusion. Aviva then noticed a guy up behind a counter sleeping or not caring for a thing in the world. He nodded and he kind of knowing how that guy felt at the moment. Aviva was slightly tired too. Especially from running so far away from home and only getting this far to the town he lives in. He grabbed his sleeve then wiped away the blood that he felt on his lip. [color=92278f]"Uhm..."[/color] He looked at the person. [color=92278f]"Do you have any cloth or anything for a bloody nose?"[/color] Aviva asked politely as he didn't want to wake the male. Though it seemed to Aviva he wasn't going to get an answer.