Maria smiled innocently at Tammy. How adorable her stuttering and over-all demeanor was. It was possible that she was still a boy, but he couldn't be sure. Her chest was flat, which was one of the reasons for his suspicions in the first place, but that wasn't a good enough give-a-way. She's mistaken some flat chested girls in the past for being boys, leading to quite the embarrassment when he tried to turn them in for reward money. "Would you like to come with me? Strength in numbers" He said, extending his right hand out towards him as he took a few steps closer. "I may not look like it, but I'm actually quite tough." ____________________ Seinna found the term "Miss" to be too formal as well, but that was just her. Trying to get him to loosen up would be more trouble then it was worth so she just accepted it. Such formality was supposed to be the norm anyways within the military, so she was the odd ball in that circumstance. "Men still need to be accompanied under such circumstances, don't they?" She questioned Hale. "I'll follow you wherever you're ready to head out. Don't bother thanking me; that's what I've been assigned to do just now." She turned to face Lily as she spoke up. "Traveling all the way across the ocean is boring, so cards are a valuable resources around these parts on our down time. Looks like everyone got a little sloppy with them over the weeks, unfortunately. I'm from New Zealand. Judging by Hale's identification he's American, and you must be...let me guess..." She pondered for a moment. She had dark skin, so she could be African American. But the accent was a little... "British?" She asked. Most of the British soldiers were busy over in Europe with the WRP, but they were able to afford some soldiers to assist in the fight against the Arabian Empire as well.