Somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere during a clear and sunny day, there was a very peaceful and unassuming grassy field. It was a mostly flat area of grass, other than the small couple of hills out in the distance and a thicket of trees out to the side. It was fairly far away from any human civilization, but not so far that you couldn't get to a part of society after an hour or so of walking. It was in this unassuming field that a huge event was about to take place [color=orange][b]AKIKO[/b][/color] Walking along the grassy field was a young, red haired girl wearing a hoodie, who had a spring in her step and an excited look in her eye. Her name was Akiko, and this was the first day of her enrollment at the Institute for Young Channellers. Most people would be suspicious of the situation she was in, being taken to an unknown place in the middle of nowhere by some people she'd never met was not exactly the most normal of situations after all. However, Akiko was simply too excited by the thought of the Institute that she didn't even care. As she made her way through the grassy field, she noticed another person who was already there. She assumed it was one of the other students, and so she decided to head towards them [color=darkviolet][b]HANA[/b][/color] The person that Akiko saw was a girl named Hana, a girl with long violet hair wearing a faded pink hoodie and carrying a bookbag. Being the prepared and cautious people her parents were, Hana had already been taken there an hour beforehand. When she first arrived she was uncomfortable with the fact that the location was flat with nowhere to hide, cause she was scared of the idea of someone walking up to her and trying to talk. She had decided to put on some headphones, put the hood of her jacket up, and take out one of the many books she carried in her bag and started reading it, hoping that would repel anyone who wanted to talk to her when they did arrive. A hour later, when she saw another girl excitedly walking up to her, she felt her stomach turn out of nervousness and immediately held her book closer up to her face