[@Western Robot][@Yuuta][@Azereiah][@Hammerman][@VitaVitaAR][@Dragonsinc][@Mercurial][@MacDuffy][@Dblade26][@SaberClass4242][@Sodium][@Azereiah][@Silver Carrot][@blumenk][@clanjos] [img]https://i.giphy.com/YPIrsRqqO7oB2.gif[/img] And just like that, the RP has finally started! For clarity, all the students will be taken to a large, grassy field by members of the staff (or possibly their parents if they happen to know where the school is), where they are told that this is where the school is located and where all the students will meet up together [quote=@Western Robot] Yeah that definitely works. Or maybe the machines somehow improve a person's natural sensing ability? Either one works for me. [/quote] Alright, once you edit that into your profile you're accepted