We needed a proper villain of some sort, so here you go, a villain. Can we maybe get a couple extra "bad" character sheets up and running? I'd rather not have to rely on one guy to drive drama. :') [hider=Ice and Fire] [center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Brock Van de Vate [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] M [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Brock is [i]not[/i] kind-hearted, and gets a genuine rush out of kicking people while they're down. He actively goes out of his way to prove that he is the best at everything and is not above using cheap, dirty tricks to do so - up to and including turning a simple sparring match into a near-lethal fight simply to gain an edge. Brock feels the intense urge to lead and stands up to take control of any group activities he is involved in in order to feed his own ego. He is a malignant narcissist of the worst type - specifically, a [i]competent[/i] malignant narcissist. He plots, he schemes, and he genuinely believes himself to be better and smarter than anybody else. The concept that he may merely be an equal is offensive to him, and suggesting anything of the sort turns him towards relentless bullying. He is, however, not hot-tempered. His hatred runs deeper and colder than that. Failure is his greatest fear, followed shortly by public humiliation. Everything is a competition, even when it very clearly shouldn't be. That said, he isn't [i]evil[/i], per se. His worldview is merely twisted, and redemption is definitely possible, provided he can be convinced that not being a massive asshat is somehow good for him. He has a soft spot for small, furry animals. Animals can't shit-talk him, after all. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Brock's biological parents were decidedly [i]not[/i] good people. They were drug addicts and thugs with a penchant for petty squabbling and ruining one anothers' lives over perceived injuries. Brock was saved from growing up as an even worse person by their arrest in Chicago, prompted by an anonymous tip and drug dogs revealing the presence of a meth lab. They were declared unfit and Brock was sent into the foster care system. His personality problems made it difficult to fit him into a family for more than a year or two, and his headstrong nature often resulted in foster parents sending him back to the State. There was no stability, and oftentimes, no love in his childhood, as he was constantly thrown from one group to the next. Without the support of a stable family, Brock's academics in school suffered horribly, and he was held back in the third grade and sixth grade respectively. At 14, he ran away from what were arguably the best foster parents he had ever had, in search of something that [i]worked[/i] - and he joined a gang of local hooligans. His powers developed shortly after he joined the group, and Skinny, Fat Vinny, Bart, and Trey began to look up to him as a sort of leader. The group moved into extorting local families and drug dealing for money in inner Chicago. At 16, his group encroached on the territory of the Gangster Disciples, leading to a low-grade turf war in which his powers came to a head, pushing his group to the forefront of criminal activity in the area. At 18, he was finally apprehended by police, and the group was disbanded. Given his power, he was sent immediately to the Institute, as rehabilitation was vastly preferable to having a Channeller organizing others in prison. He is older than the majority of students due to his academic failures in the past and his relative lack of power development. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Brock is tall, slender, athletic. Not particularly handsome, though, due to the scars covering his body from years of crime. Cuts from broken glass and knives and some gunshot scars cover his torso, with a slight indented line running across his forehead from having taken a baseball bat to the head without medical attention years back. He is blonde, with wavy, long hair pulled back in a ponytail, and wide ice blue eyes. High and sharp cheekbones sit on either side of a wide nose, and he wears a rough blonde beard at all times - shaven down to a few millimeters. His dress style is inspired by his 'hood' activities - a blood red hoodie over black skinny jeans, and heavy leather boots. On occasion, he's seen wearing a baseball cap. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] A broad sheet newspaper, a full water bottle, and a bag of pennies. A switchblade. Deep pockets. Expensive running shoes. [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Brock is very athletic. He runs fast, jumps high, and climbs well, due to his experience as a Chicago gangster - though not nearly to the degree of an Augmenter. Moderate strength - Brock hits the gym sometimes, so while he isn't a total meathead, he isn't exactly unhealthy. Emotional manipulation - less socially aware people seem to be somewhat enamored by his flashy style and charisma. He twists this to his advantage. [u][b]Channeller category:[/b][/u] Wavecaster [u][b]Description of power:[/b][/u] Brock drains thermal energy from the environment to fuel his attacks, and he has turned that drain of energy into a technique of its own. Temperatures drop sharply in an area when he 'charges' up, and he unleashes a torrent of pure heat at will. He can only pull directly heat out of the air, at the moment, though he may learn to drain heat some other way. The more heat he sucks from the area, the brighter his veins glow. [u][b]Names/descriptions of moves:[/b][/u] [i]One[/i]: The space surrounding Brock frosts over as the temperature drops well below zero degrees, and his body begins to glow. The longer he performs this technique, the larger the space grows, and he can theoretically completely freeze an entire room if given enough time. [i]Two[/i]: Brock's heat has built up sufficiently for the air nearby to shimmer. Touching him without insulated clothing is [i]extremely[/i] inadvisable at this point, and he's starting to lose heat rapidly. This is often a setup for a third stage, though he can and often has chosen to simply tackle people to expose them to the burn. [i]Scorch[/i]: Brock's heat is focused into a narrow field, like a beam, setting objects on fire. The more energy he dumps into it, and the more he focuses, the hotter the flash of heat at the target object is, but distance reduces its effectiveness as heat bleeds into the air. [i]Conflagrate[/i]: Brock releases his built up heat and pressure in a massive, unfocused wave. It flashes out from his body in all directions, charring nearby objects out to ten meters, and dropping in intensity to nothingness over twenty further meters. The more energy he puts into it, the more intense the charring is, but no matter what he does, he can't seem to increase its effective range. [i]Flash[/i]: Brock spins his heat into a self-sustaining, shimmering toroid of blazing plasma and throws it at a target. The size of the burning donut is dependent upon how much energy he puts into it. On impact, the donut is disrupted and splashes into an intense burst of flame. [u][b]Future Techniques:[/b][/u] [i]Freezerburn[/i]: Brock narrows his field of cold to a single line, extending from himself to his intended target. Temperature sharply drops and freezes the point of impact, followed by Brock reversing this drain into a flash of fire. With sustained concentration, Brock can change the direction of this beam and continually pulse between freezing and burning in rapid succession. Do not watch Brock during this technique if you have epilepsy - the constant flashing isn't very healthy. [i]Flash Storm[/i]: Brock extends the concept of Freezerburn and rapidly alternates the temperature of a large field. This is by far the most intense technique that he has, and the rubberbanding between freezing and burning takes a massive toll on his own health. [u][b]Character theme song:[/b][/u] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkOJ9uNj9EY [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Brock is one of the top sources of illicit substances in the school, yet somehow he's never where the evidence is. [/center] [/hider]