[hr][center][h1]Hugo Schumacher[/h1][/center][hr] Hugo, finished with his coffee, paid the wyvern nearby no mind and wandered off towards his first period class. He was fashionably late as always - and took a seat at the front left of the assembly of students in the room. His ribs were still causing him trouble, and he'd definitely have to check to see if the doctor was in at some later point. [color=a187be]"Sorry I'm late. Had some things to deal with."[/color] [hr][center][h1]Raaawk[/h1][/center][hr] The wyvern curiously followed Hugo off to his classroom, but Hugo shut the door behind him before Raaawk could see if he would fit into the room. He puffed out his feathers and snorted annoyedly, then walked around the outside of the building until he saw the man in the adidas tracksuit through a window. Raaawk lifted the window open with his nose and hung his head into the classroom to indicate his attendance.