[center][color=00aeef][i][b]Diamond - Range[/b][/i][/color][/center] If she wasn't so much on edge, Diamond might have found the interactions between Ivy and Emerald too cute to live. As it stood though, she was stuck somewhere between raging at Cobalt for not covering his tracks and his past getting up to him, raging against Oswald for just leaving her to do tell this to Emerald alone, being unhealthily jealous of Emerald right now just because she had a family, and being angry with herself for being such a lowly shit as to envy her happiness. She snickered at Emerald getting all flustered after being called by her pet name: [color=00aeef]"Hey, we already call you that, what's the harm?"[/color] She grinned. A second later, she could add Gren standing entirely too close and being far too familiar to her list of rage inducing things. [color=00aeef]"Ms. Frost."[/color] She shot him a deathly gaze, [color=00aeef]"What's shaking? I am. So much I need to hit something. Volunteers?"[/color] she smiled sickly at the boar faunus, before walking past brushing hardly against his shoulder and heading to take a stand at the range, intent on obliterating a couple of training dummies before she actually hit an innocent bystander. She would let Emerald have a moment with her mother before telling her the bad news.