Corrine blushes slightly. [i]Oh dear,[/i] she thought to herself. [i]I'd better watch what I say[/i]. [color=8882be]"Poor, Rolo. I didn't know. I feel really bad now..."[/color] she shakes her head and smiles. [color=8882be]"Nope! You have to focus on positive things! Like, trying to fix what's going on little by little! And making everyone feel better!"[/color] she tries to brighten the mood, even if it's just a bit. [color=8882be]"I'm sure everything will work out in the end! It always does, right? I'm pretty sure we'll all laugh about this later!"[/color] She gives a fake laugh. This must be stressful for the gang. The school seems to take status very seriously. One minor flop could ruin you forever.