You ([@gathering gloom]) slowly wake up on your back in an unfamiliar, alien environment. By that I mean, you don't ever recall seeing this field before. In fact, you don't remember how you left the last place you were, when you went to sleep...whenever that was. You gradually come to, seeing the bright blue sky, not a cloud in sight, and feeling the moist lush grass beneath your hands. As you look around, attempting to keep calm and not freak out, you realize two things, almost simultaneously: you do not seem to be having any heightened emotions such as fear or anxiety; and there is another individual lying in the field, a few meters away. But before you can take in their alien appearance, your hear an ever-so-light whisper. In fact, it's such a small voice, you ignore it at first. But then it becomes impossible to ignore as the voice begins screaming inside your head. [i]"Get out of my mind!"[/i] the personality shouts at you. Sitting there in the grass, you realize you are possessing someone. You look down to investigate your body, but you can't make out heads or tails of it. Like the other person, this body seems to be of an unknown origin. The flesh has a light glow to it, and the skin cells seem to be much larger, almost like scales. After closer inspection you realize that it is the cells that are emitting the evanescence. Your skin seems pale, but it's difficult to discern the actual color due to the light. You gaze down at your hands; there doesn't seem to be anything amiss about them, aside from the skin. In fact, is this even skin? You take a deep breath, and notice that breathing seems to be a lot easier in this environment. You might also notice some other things, if your perception is high enough... [quote]You may choose to do anything. However, before you do anything, roll a d20 for a perception check. If you do not have one, there are several options, including virtual dice on apps and this site. The voice in your head, rather the original occupant, does not want you to be here, and suggests that you immediately vacate their body and mind. Since you do not know how to do that, and the other personality quickly figures this out, they suggest you remain calm, and investigate Anani, who you can easily determine - by the fact that nobody else is here - must be the other person, who seems to be unconscious. However, if you wish to flee the area, or do nothing, or even something completely random, you may do that as well. No matter what you choose to do after you roll a perception check, you make the decision and allow me to describe the outcome.[/quote]